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By *Paul Kellogg *

October 26, 2010 -- It is not difficult to see that the events of 
September 30, in the Latin American country of Ecuador, amounted to an 
attempted right-wing coup d’état. Mass mobilisations in the streets and 
plazas of Quito (the capital) and other cities – in conjunction with 
action by sections of the armed forces which stayed loyal to the 
government – stopped the coup before the day was out. But those few 
hours highlighted, again, the deep dangers facing those fighting for 
progressive change in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Remarkably, the first task is to re-assert that in fact a coup attempt 
took place. In the wake of the failure of the coup, commentator after 
commentator was trying to minimise what happened. Peruvian “libertarian” 
Álvaro Vargas Llosa – darling of the World Economic Forum and outspoken 
critic of Che Guevara and the current governments of Bolivia and 
Venezuela – insists that it was not a coup just an “ill-advised, violent 
protest by the police against a law that cut their benefits”.

Let us examine the facts...



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