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I will vote Tuesday and probably pass out some of John Conyers Jr. (14th  
Congressional District) literature, although I reside in the 13th. Support 
for  Conyers rest on his HR 676. 
90% o my vote will go to the Michigan Green’s. For Governor I will vote for 
 Virg Bernero, a Democrat due to his stand on several issues affecting 
unions and  the proletariat.  
I have an interest in the Governor of Wayne State University, Regent of  
University of Michigan, Trustee of Michigan State University, Governor and  
Lieutenant Governor and will vote against proposal 10-1 and 10-2. The first  
proposal seeks to convene a Constitutional Convention to revision the State  
Constitution. The second seeks to prohibit felons from holding government 
jobs,  which means excluding a class of people from lifetime government  
employment.  I am undecided on the Judiciary, but a few of the judges are  not 
that bad, given the nature of their jobs. 
The group I work with, League of Revolutionaries for a New America supports 
 and endorses no one in the election, which was the case in the past 
presidential  election. The voter turnout in Detroit might be 20% this time 
Then again, I voted in the August primary. 

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