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"The fact of the matter is that our proletariat supports bourgeois property 
 relations in the here and now. Nothing we write or say can change this 
because  change is a mass process of experience and interpreting that 
So, that's a yes on the support of bourgeois parties and their candidates,  
The Green party is a bourgeois party. I voted 90% in today’s election for  
their candidates. I stated this in no uncertain terms. Why on earth would 
you  conclude I support the Democratic or Republican Party establishment? 
Let me guess; I am misreading what is written above. 
When Nader ran for president in 2000 his political organization and those  
attached to it constituted a “bourgeois party,” in the main. Now the 
various  communist ideological groups that supported Nader could preserve their 
independence” based on their separate organization.  I supported Nader in  
2000. I supported the Freedom Now Party years ago, a bourgeois political 
party.  We ran a communist candidate in the Democratic Party primary because it 
was  impossible to get on the ballot, until the state laws outlawing third  
party’s was over turned. Yes, we were accused by some of our own comrades of 
 supporting a bourgeois political party. 
I presented what you wrote and the reader is left to their interpretation.  
All this talk about “enemy” opens the door for bad things, and you know 
What of the comrades in small towns?  In Detroit we have lots of  latitude 
but all of America is not like Detroit. What qualifies you to write  
propositions as if you have some special insight into everywhere in America? 
Class enemy! Get a grip for Christ sake. 
A principled stand against engaging and working in the Democratic party or  
the Republican party for that matter, anywhere and at all times in every 
part of  America, is a principled Marxist stand as I understand what you 
wrote. Why is  that? Because you said so? 
Here is what you wrote: 
“I did, however, mean to get a reaction with My words and it seems they did 
 but in the most unforeseen way from the a most unforeseen person. Amazing 
that  you would call a principled stand against supporting the class enemy, 
especially  when the choices are clear, "sectarian". It only proves my point 
about how low  some of us have sunk. My record of activism and 
non-sectarian politics speaks  for itself, but you will never see me "tacti 
retreat my principles for  the sake of "practicality".

Pardon, maybe this is a principled stand. What principle is it might  the 
feeble minded ask? 
The feeble mind inability to understand "the class enemy" is what you wrote 
 about. Here is what you wrote: 
>> To be accurate, I said, "Your >words< Have at least one  Enemy". I use 
that formulation to convey (a) that cajoling revolutionists to  support 
bourgeois liberals out of "practicality" are the words of the class  enemy and 
(b) that the individual who says this may simply be misguided, but it  is not 
clear, so, rather than the individual, his "words" are my enemy. I know  
this might be a hard distinction for the feeble-minded, so, just know that had 
I  meant to say someone is my enemy, I would say it plainly (and just to be  
unequivocally clear, I did not). << 
No one is against passion and zeal, but what is up with all this back  
biting and personal insults and class enemy talk, applied to a writer on this  
list? Everyone makes mistakes and go over the top from time to time. Your 
words  are meant to hurt and insult.  You move from words  . . . "enemy" to  
the "class enemy" to "the feeble minded."  
Pardon my feeble mind. 
Grow up dude. 

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