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Vladimiro, in my opinion you are viewing this in a denunciatory and moralistic 
point of view. that's not a revolutionary tactic... its a liberal tactic. 

Besides, not all military members are killers... gays have often been found on 
the frontlines, but are have been historically concentrated in non-combat 
roles, particularly medics. 

Most do a tour or two of duty and then are discharged. Most aren't in it for 
the longterm. Most will return to the normal occupations of the working class 
along with their experiences.  Should straight soliders learn that it's 
perfectly acceptable to castigate homosexuals?  Should gay people learn that 
they are powerless to resist castigation? 

With the "economic draft" most have very few choices out of poverty or for 
education.  LGBT are subject to many more pressures in the military due to the 
likelihood of isolation.  Getting dishonorably discharged can be a brutal and 
crushing way to rejoin civilian life. 

Revolutionaries during the Vietnam war didn't castigate returning veterans who 
where fighting a revolutionary civil war didn't castigate and denounce 
soldiers.  That is exactly what the Rightwing in the US has tried to portray 
has having happened.  We helped to organize veterans... the government used 
them brutally. Their rage contributed to the antiwar mobilizations and toward 
the building of mass support to end the war.  

Would you like to go to a meeting of the Iraq Veterans Against the War and 
suggest that they are murderers and should therefore be ashamed?

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