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I thought I would share this conference notice for those of you on the West 
Coast, especially. The program seems quite good.


From: Labor Exchange <actioncen...@action-mail.org>
Date: November 7, 2010 6:52:00 PM PST
To: action.n...@organizerweb.com
Subject: Dec. 3 - 5 Tijuana - International Labor Conference
Reply-To: laborexcha...@aol.com


                              Internacional en Tijuana enfocado en la
                              “Unión de los Trabajadores/as de las

                      International Gathering in
                              Tijuana to Focus on “Uniting Workers in
                              the Americas”


    VII U.S./Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/Latin
              America/North America 

              Labor Conference

              Dec. 3 - 4 - 5 ~ Hotel Palacio Azteca ~ Tijuana, Mexico



              us in Tijuana and be part of a global movement!


          Online registration at LaborExchange.blogspot.com
          [$80 includes dinner on Friday]


          HOTEL REGISTRATION -- ask for the
              special CUBA LABOR CONFERENCE

              $81 single/$116 double -- 

              includes daily breakfast and Saturday dinner!

              *Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico
              01 8000266660



              There is much that we can share with our brothers and
              sisters in Latin America and the Caribbean. With
              globalization assaults and after the elections in the
              U.S., the response is UNITY of all working people for our
              needs and our right to health, education, housing, and
              equality, with social and job security. 


              For the future, spread the word about this conference,
              send a representative to build the global workers'


            Cristian Cuevas, a leader of the Confederation of Chilean
              Workers and president of the Confederation of Copper
              Workers with whom we recently spoke, said:  “We

            call on class solidarity: to resurrect the spirit of past
            labor struggles; to push forward the labor movement in this
            21st century; to recuperate the memory of the glorious
            workers from Santa Maria de Iquique in Chile and of the
            workers in Chicago in the United States.” 


      Join us for a Special Evening in
                  Solidarity with the Cuban 5 on Friday Dec 3
              with Ailí Labañino Cardoso, the oldest daughter of
              Ramon Labañino and a video from Dolores Huerta
              co-founder of the United Farmworkers Union with Cesar
              Chavez. First ever display of cartoons by Gerardo
                Hernandez -- one of the Cuban Five, anti-terrorists
              unjustly in U.S. prisons.


          Meet and discuss with: Ermela Garcia Santiago, National

          Secretariat, Cuban Workers Federation (CTC); Magaly Batista
            Enriquez, Dept. International Relations CTC; Silvia
            García Tabío, Cuban Ntl. Assembly of Peoples’ Power;
            Gilda Chacon Bravo, Americas’ office WFTU/FSM;
            Jacobo Torres de León, Venezuelan Socialist Force of
          Bolivarian Workers, CST; a representative of
          Venezuelan UNETE; Fredy Jose Franco, Nicaraguan
          Federation of Teachers of Higher Education; Jose Humberto
            Montes de Oca Luna, Mexican Electrical Workers Union
          (SME); Oliverio Esquivel Reyes, WFTU/FSM Mexican
          Coordinator; Prof. Jorge Cazares Torres, Mexican
          National Union of Educators - Sec. VIII; a representative
            from Mexico Miners’ Union; Joao Batista Lemos, Brazil
          Workers’ Central ; Adolfo Cardona, Colombia’s 
          SINALTRAINAL Union, USW organizer; Edgar Luis Sarango
            Correa, Vice-Pres., Central de Trabajadores del
          Ecuador; and other speakers from the United States. 

              Also invited representatives from Haiti and Puerto Rico. 


            VII Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/NorthAmerica Labor Conference 

            December 3, 4 & 5, 2010 • Hotel Palacio Azteca -
            Tijuana, Mexico


            Workers’ struggle has no borders! Uniting America's Working
            Class and Increasing its Influence 


            AGENDA (Updates will follow as more program details become


            Friday, December 3, 2010 afternoon - REGISTRATION 



            December 3, 2010 - 6 pm -11 pm - 

            Dinner reception to welcome family of the Cuban Five.
            Current developments in the international movement to Free
            the Five Cuban Heroes unjustly held in U.S. prisons for
            twelve years. A never-before-viewed display of Gerardo
            Hernandez' political cartoons is planned and more.



            December 4, 2010 - 9 am - 1 pm - 

            Impact of the crisis on the workers. Position of the Latin
            American and Caribbean labor movement on the crisis. 

            (Two panels with discussion after each)


            December 4, 2010 - 3 pm - 7 pm - 

            ALBA as a growing alternative to the FTAA.


            December 4, 2010 - 8 pm - 11 pm

            Banquet [dinner included with hotel registration.
                For others, $30 for U.S. residents/$20 for Mexico
                residents] - 

            Movie, compliments of the Venezuelan delegation! Oliver
            Stone's SOUTH OF THE BORDER


            Sunday, December 5, 2010 - 9 am - 3 pm - 

            Special panel with Mexican union representatives -- Latin
            American immigration to the U.S. The disastrous effects of
            the FTAA-neoliberal policies imposed by the U.S. government
            and U.S. transnationals on Latin America that destroy the
            Latin American economy and force millions of workers to
            emigrate to the U.S. where they become modern day slaves,
            have their human rights violated and are humiliated.


            Initiating Organizations: U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange • World
            Federation of Trade Unions • International Committee for the
            Freedom of the Cuban Five • International Action Center •
            Union del Barrio



            Conference Registration/ Datos para su inscripción a
              la Conferencia: 












              Union: Organization /Sindicato:


            [  ] Enclosed is my registration fee of US$80
            (Friday-Saturday-Sunday) including Friday “Free the Five”
            program and dinner,   

            or [  ] $55 for Saturday and Sunday only. [  ] I would like
            to give a donation of $________ for a low-income


            [  ] Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 80 dolares U.S.
            (incluye una cena especial – viernes – por Los Cincos)  

            o [  ] Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 55 dolares, sabado
            y domingo solamente, y quisiera aportar la cantidad de
            $___________  para aquellos participantes de bajos ingresos.


            Make checks payable to: Labor Exchange//Haga los chequees
            pagables a: Labor Exchange

            Mail to: US/Cuba Labor Exchange + P.O. BOX 39188 + Redford
            MI 48239 + Phone: 313-575-4933 + Email: laborexchange @

            OR, PAY ON LINE at laborexchange.blogspot.com
            with the DONATE button and email registration information.


            Hotel Reservations/Reservaciones de Hotel: Hotel Palacio

            Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila 22400 Tijuana,

            *Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01


            Conference check-in starts Friday afternoon, Dec. 3 -
            Conference ends 3 pm Sunday, Dec. 5

            Please mention the/Favor de mencionar para un descuento al:
            Cuba Labor Conference to get the special price:

            Single/Sencilla Room $81 U.S.Dollars * Double/Doble Room
            $116 U.S. Dollars*

            *(Room rates include two breakfasts and one Saturday dinner
            per person)

            *(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena por persona)


            Saturday: Coffee and sweets all day * Sabado: Cafe y
            bocadillos todo el dia


            Reservations should be made as soon as possible/Realice su
            reservacion lo antes possible.

            *If you have a question please call 313-575-4933 or
            313-355-8566; or email  laborexcha...@aol.com,
            or laborexcha...@gmail.com.














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