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Well Joseph, if you had bother to read more then the 1st comment you 
would probably had reached that:

Jeff Blankfort:

I had given Jeremy more than several days to respond as to whether or 
not he was Jewish and despite the abundance of messages he did send, he 
did not until now deny being Jewish as if whether or not one is Jewish 
when discussion the Israel-Palestine issue is irrelevant. Would those 
who believe it is, and there are many, mostly Jews, who do so, say it is 
also irrelevant whether one is white or black in discussing race 
relations or whether someone was a woman or man in discussing gender 
equality? I doubt it. It is not that the “other” in each of these 
situations might not have something worthwhile to say, it is that what 
they say can not be divorced from who and what they are.

and who can give better endorsement then Israel Shamir?


*Kathleen Wells*: So, I mean, if what you’re saying is true, the 
organized Jewish establishment or this lobby has essentially bought 
Congress, at least with regards to issues regarding Israel. So, I mean, 
this is very disturbing to hear, and it says that something is wrong 
with our entire system of government.

*Jeffrey Blankfort*: They have been bought by every major sector/special 
interest of American society that represents American capitalism: the 
arms industry, and so on, and, in this sense, Israel and the Jewish 
establishment that supports it have been a major player. They had been 
responsible for, at least since World War II, at least 60 or more 
percent of the money that goes to the Democratic Party, making the 
Democratic Party, literally, a subsidiary of the Zionist establishment.

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