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I thank Richard for his comment on the Student demonstration in London.  I
have been  trying to work out some aspects of the politics of what is
happening from the Guardian.  I regard it as a crucial barometer of feeling
among those who voted Lib Dem in the hope of a progressive liberal
government.  After all the university educated are a crucial demographic for
the Guardian and the Lib Dems.  The commentators seem split between those
who want to sneer and patronise yet who are frightened (the majority
tendency) and those who almost appear to feel that the violence and anger in
the student protest is necessary.  Moreover they warn that it indicates that
fire storms are ahead.

[In this context the threat to charge a man with attempted murder for
chucking the fire extinguisher off the roof is I think an attempt to arouse
and harness the kind of revulsion that followed the death in Athens of a
worker in a bank set on fire possibly by black block protesters. Here the
aim is to prevent a link up between the students and the rest of the
population. We shall see if they succeed.]

I have also been watching the statements of the TUC and the NUS
leadership. The former are a product of a period of politics that is truly
and absolutely over.  Similarly for Aaron Porter the student leader and
Blair wannabe. It is now very clear, as Richard put it, Cameron-Osborne and
Clegg must be stopped or they will finish off the people.  The cost of not
protesting has now exceeded the cost of protesting.

Yet neither the NUS nor the TUC leadership will undertake the task of
stopping and reversing the politics of austerity. The huge peaceful
demonstrations before the Iraq war demonstrated conclusively that our rulers
paid no heed to peaceful protests.  Something more is needed. What might
that be?  Well it is not chucking fire extinguishers from roof tops nor
setting fire to shops or banks.  Only when the workers and the students in
their hundreds of thousands put their bodies in the path of power and end
business as usual will they stop it.


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