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>>Artesian wrote: "Essentially, the Irish government turned the entire
country into a "bad bank" ...

It's a familiar pattern. One that one sees with each economic "crisis"

In 1857, the main British and French banks (Caisse des consignes) warned
that they were on the brink of bankrupcy and the British and French
governemnts bought up their bad debt.

Same thing in 1873. Same thing in 1890. Same thing in 1907.

In 1924, the French government injected 14£ milion worth of cash into
the same old French banks (Suez-Indochine).

Same thing again in 1931.

Which all shows that governments are controlled by bankers, who
represent the real embodiment of industrial capitalism.

All those banks are still around today, although they have merged with
other banking concerns. And they still control the French and British
governments, be they "conservative" or "socialist". For Bankers,
elections are unimportant. What is important is controlling the
government that comes out of an election.
In France, the Bourgeoisie (the 30 largest corporations) have
consistently maintained a grip on any "socialist' government elected by
the people.
I think the same may be said about Britain, Germany or the US.
The Social Democratic myth of "socialism through voting" has been time
and time again shattered by the predominance of large banking concerns
when it comes to devising economic policies.
Actually, only Bolshevik Russia was ever referred to with awe and terror
by bankers, mainly because Russia was incredibly rich in minerals and
petrol which meant that it didn't need them. Pre-1917 Russia was
completely dependent on foreign investment for Gold, Iron and Oil.
Post-1917 Russia was totally independent.
So, whoever wins an election in France, Britain or the US, you may be
sure that it is someone who is controlled by banks and corporations.
Which is why the proletariat must organize independently of mainstream
politics through revolutionary unions.

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