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On 11/15/2010 3:26 PM, Dan wrote:
> So, as our common human heritage, all historical artifacts up to the
> 19th century should, in all justice, be under the custody of an
> international body responsible for preserving mankind's artistic
> heritage, and should be on itinerant display on every continent. Six
> months in one major city, six months in another, and so on... No more
> permanent collections.
> Using the past to bolster a particuliar nation state under the pretext
> that "these remarkable civilizations were our ancestors" is absurd.

I originally wrote a vicious albeit sarcastic response to what I viewed 
as the ... (how should I put this gently???)  ... well, certainly not by 
saying that the posts that have dominated this thread have been racist, 
imperialist and white supremacist, even though --to be brutally frank-- 
that is what I think.

ABSTRACTING FROM the last 500 years of the history of the planet, and to 
be specific, the record of European piracy, pillage and plunder, as if 
they had never happened, might be ok for Fox News, CNN or even the New 
York Times but it OUGHT to have no place on this list.

I believe there is a marked tendency towards social-imperialist 
degeneration of much of the "left" in the "advanced" countries.

What is the POLITICAL import of denouncing attempts involving "using the 
past" to "bolster a particular nation state" under whatever "pretext"?

When the bolstering that is being combated is that of the peoples that 
are the VICTIMS of imperialism? And those that are being defended are 
--oh happy coincidence!!!-- the imperialists?

In TODAY'S world, under really existing conditions, what does it mean to 
posit "an international body responsible for preserving mankind's 
artistic heritage"?

And what does it mean to say that these treasures "should be on 
itinerant display on every continent. Six months in one major city, six 
months in another, and so on...".

Is Cochabamba a "major city?" Is Cuzco a "major city"? Do we take into 
account that geopolitically, Westchester is next to Westminster but a 
world away from Window Rock?

Do we take into account that the Tokyo residents that might frequent 
such an exhibition would have much more access if it were half a world 
away in Tampa than the Cubans of Santa Clara would if it were held in 
Santiago de Cuba, never mind Santiago de Chile?

Is a "major city" defined by its population? By its literacy rate? Or by 
the mendacity of its cultural institutions that whitewash the ill-gotten 
gains of the local leading citizens by naming exhibitions, galleries, 
projects, buildings and even entire museums after them?

"Our common human heritage ... should, in all justice, be under the 
custody of ..."

The Field Museum? The Smithsonian? Who was James Smithson? Who was 
Marshall Field? I know little of Smithson. But I do know of Field, at 
least. El verdugo de los mártires de Chicago. The executioner of the 
Chicago Martyrs. Not literally, of course. No mere rope-wielder could be 
as culpable as Field. But long after the Field Museum gets burned to the 
ground, free people --human beings-- will remember and curse the name of 
Marshall Field, and the capitalist misery and exploitation and 
hucksterism he stood for. And --yes-- the Midwest murders that gave us 
May Day.

Or even more to the point, isn't it likely that by the year 2492 we will 
see clearly and unmistakably how much more important it was for 10 
Navajos to have seen some exhibit centuries before, rather than 10,000 
more brits?

How many Einsteins did humanity sacrifice by persecuting the Jews? And 
how many more by the subjugation, denigration, exploitation and 
humiliation of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America?

THAT is what the controversies around who the ancient "treasures" belong 
to are about. Colonialism and imperialism.

Below is what I originally wrote to post in this thread.


*  *  *

Absurd? ABSURD???!!!

Couldn't agree more. So, given that the Europeans have been sacking and 
destroying these treasures for 500 years or so, and monopolizing the few 
they have allowed to be preserved, to redress the balance, I believe 
that for the NEXT 500 years these treasures should be put under the 
exclusive and absolute control of peoples of color in the Third World, 
and their display in the imperialist countries outlawed, but with the 
costs for their preservation, display, scientific investigation and so 
on borne exclusively by the white countries.

One possible mechanism for financing would be a steep and progressive 
tax on white babies. Countries, cities or --ultimately-- parents 
unwilling to pay would see their children disposed of at birth or 
shortly afterward, given the likelihood that slaves of white stock would 
be worth even two shillings by market standards.



Dan: "So, as our common human heritage, all historical artifacts..."

Why do you say "our," paleface?

"There is an endless supply of white men. There has always been a 
limited number of human beings." --Old Lodge Skins

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