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"China's real estate development firms have barged into Cambodia with 
all the ambition, bumptiousness and verve that American fruit and tire 
firms employed in Latin America or Africa in decades past. One company, 
Union Development Group, of Tianjin in northern China, won a 99-year 
concession for 120 square miles - twice the size of Washington - of 
beachfront property on the Gulf of Thailand. There Chinese work teams 
are cutting a road and mapping out plans for hotels, villas and golf 
courses. The estimated investment? $3.8 billion. The target market? The 
nouveau riche from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou."

China's billions reap rewards in Cambodia

By John Pomfret Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, November 20, 
2010; 11:40 PM

IN KOH KONG, CAMBODIA Down a blood-red dirt track deep in the jungles of 
southwestern Cambodia, the roar begins. Turn a corner and there is the 
source - scores of dump trucks, bulldozers and backhoes hacking away at 
the earth. Above a massive hole, a flag flaps in the hot, dusty breeze. 
The flag of the People's Republic of China.

Here in the depths of the Cardamom Mountains, where the Chinese-backed 
Khmer Rouge communists made their last stand in the late 1970s, China is 
asserting its rights as a resurgent imperial power in Asia. Instead of 
exporting revolution and bloodshed to its neighbors, China is now 
sending its cash and its people.

At this clangorous hydropower dam site hard along Cambodia's border with 
Thailand, and in Burma, Laos and even Vietnam, China is engaged in a 
massive push to extend its economic and political influence into 
Southeast Asia. Spreading investment and aid along with political 
pressure, China is transforming a huge swath of territory along its 
southern border. Call it the Monroe Doctrine, Chinese style.

Ignored by successive U.S. administrations, China's rise in this region 
is now causing alarm in Washington, which is aggressively courting the 
countries of Southeast Asia. The Obama administration has cultivated 
closer ties with its old foe Vietnam. It has tried to open doors to 
Burma, also known as Myanmar, which U.S. officials believe is in danger 
of becoming a Chinese vassal state. Relations have been renewed with 
Laos, whose northern half is dominated by Chinese businesses. In a 
speech about U.S. policy in Asia on Oct. 28, before she embarked on her 
sixth trip to Asia in two years, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham 
Clinton used military terminology to refer to U.S. efforts: 
"forward-deployed diplomacy."

During a recent trip to Phnom Penh - the first of a U.S. secretary of 
state since 2002 - Clinton, while speaking to Cambodian students, was 
asked about Cambodia's ties to Beijing. "You don't want to get too 
dependent on any one country," she told them.

Still, China powers ahead.

China has concluded a free-trade deal with all 10 countries of the 
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, while a similar U.S. pact is 
only in its infancy. It is cementing ties with Thailand - a U.S. ally - 
despite recent political unrest there.

In Cambodia, Chinese firms have turned mining and agricultural 
concessions in Mondulkiri province in the eastern part of the country 
into no-go zones for Cambodian police. Guards at the gates to two of 
them - a gold mine and a hemp plantation - shoo travelers away unless 
they are able to pay a toll. "It's like a country within a country," 
quipped Cambodia's minister of interior, Sar Kheng, at a law enforcement 
conference earlier this year, according to participants at the meeting.

China's real estate development firms have barged into Cambodia with all 
the ambition, bumptiousness and verve that American fruit and tire firms 
employed in Latin America or Africa in decades past. One company, Union 
Development Group, of Tianjin in northern China, won a 99-year 
concession for 120 square miles - twice the size of Washington - of 
beachfront property on the Gulf of Thailand. There Chinese work teams 
are cutting a road and mapping out plans for hotels, villas and golf 
courses. The estimated investment? $3.8 billion. The target market? The 
nouveau riche from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Last month, China pledged to support the construction of a $600 million 
stretch of railway between Phnom Penh and Vietnam that will bring China 
a major step closer to incorporating all of Southeast Asia, as far south 
as Singapore, into its rail network.

Across Cambodia, dozens of state-run Chinese companies are building 
eight hydropower dams, including the 246-megawatt behemoth on the Tatay 
River in Koh Kong. The total price tag for those dams will exceed $1 
billion. Altogether, Cambodia owes China $4 billion, said Cheam Yeap, a 
member of the central committee of the ruling Cambodia People's Party.

"This takeover is inevitable," said Lak Chee Meng, the senior reporter 
on the Cambodia Sin Chew Daily, one of the country's four 
Chinese-language dailies, serving a population of 300,000 
Chinese-speaking Khmer-Chinese and an additional quarter-million 
immigrants and businessmen from mainland China. "Cambodia is approaching 
China with open arms. It's how the United States took over its 
neighborhood. It's geopolitics."

Purchasing sway

The perennial question about China's rise is when will Beijing be able 
to translate its cash into power. In Cambodia, it already has.

Cambodia has avoided criticizing Beijing over the dams China is building 
along China's stretch of the Mekong River - installations that experts 
predict will upend the lives of millions of Cambodians who live off the 
fishing economy around the great inland waterway, Tonle Sap.

Cambodia so strictly follows Beijing's "one China" policy that it has 
refused Taiwan's request to open up an economic office here despite the 
many millions of dollars' worth of Taiwanese investment in Cambodia.

China's heft was also clearly on display in December when Chinese and 
American diplomats went toe-to-toe over the fate of 20 Uighur Chinese 
who had fled to Cambodia and were seeking asylum. China said that some 
of the men, members of a Chinese Turkic minority, were wanted for having 
participated in anti-Han Chinese riots in Xinjiang in July 2009. The 
United States said don't send them back.

China threatened to cancel a trip by its vice president, Xi Jinping, who 
was coming to Cambodia with deals and loans worth $1.2 billion in his 
briefcase. So Cambodia returned the Uighurs to China. Two days later Xi, 
who is on track to be China's next leader, arrived in Phnom Penh.

In April of this year, the U.S. State Department announced that to 
punish Cambodia, it was canceling a shipment of 200 U.S. surplus 
military trucks and trailers. Less than three weeks later, China donated 
257 military trucks.

Cambodia has also followed China's lead when it comes to the South China 
Sea, a 1 million-square-mile waterway that China asserts belongs to 
Beijing. In July, Clinton, speaking in Hanoi, challenged China's claims 
to the open seas and advocated a multilateral approach to divvying up 
the fishing rights and offshore oil and gas that the sea is believed to 
contain. China opposes multilateral negotiations, preferring to divide 
and conquer with bilateral talks. Last month, Cambodia's prime minister, 
Hun Sen, backed China's approach.

China's one-upmanship with the United States continued earlier this 
month. A day after Clinton left Cambodia, Wu Bangguo, one of China's top 
Communist Party officials, arrived in Phnom Penh. During her visit, 
Clinton had raised the possibility that the United States might forgive 
a portion of Cambodia's debt to the United States; it owes $445 million. 
Wu was more forthright. He struck $4.5 million off Cambodia's tab; 
Chinese officials are considering forgiving an additional $200 million.

Only a few obstacles

China's road to domination here hasn't been without potholes. Vietnam, 
which ousted the Khmer Rouge regime in 1979 and installed Hun Sen, has 
woken up to the threat of increased Chinese influence and has directed 
Vietnamese state-owned companies to pour money into Cambodia. From $28 
million in 2008, Vietnamese investment jumped to $268 million in 2009 
and to $1.2 billion this year, according to Cambodian government 

The Vietnamese military runs Cambodia's No. 2 - and soon to be No. 1 - 
telecommunications company. Most government officials use its services 
because it gives them SIM cards loaded with free minutes.

But China is quick to counter Vietnam. Chinese and Cambodian officials 
this month signed a $591 million loan package - Cambodia's biggest 
ever - from the Bank of China for Cambodia's other main 
telecommunications company. The only catch is that $500 million was 
earmarked to buy Chinese equipment from the Chinese telecom giant 

Even Cambodia's ruler, Hun Sen, has sometimes chafed at the bearhug from 
Beijing. In December 2009, Chinese workers finished a massive $30 
million government building where the prime minister was supposed to 
house his offices. But Hun Sen didn't like the place, complained about 
its squat toilets and the fact that "it didn't even have a proper 
chandelier," according to a Western diplomat. There were also concerns 
that China had bugged the premises. So Hun Sen built new offices next 
door and opened both buildings last month.

Historical influence

China has exercised imperial sway over Cambodia for centuries. Eight 
hundred years ago, Chinese troops bailed out Khmer kings; friendly 
Chinese warriors are carved on the side of the famed 12th-century Bayon 
temple near Angkor Wat. In the 1950s and 1960s, Communist China embraced 
the regime of King Norodom Sihanouk and provided the Khmer Rouge with 
inspiration, security and economic assistance throughout their bloody 
rule from 1975 to 1979. Sihanouk, now 88 and the king father, resides in 

Huo Zhaoguo, a Chinese manager of Union Development's massive project 
along the Cambodian coast, is typical of the new Chinese coming to this 
country. In the 1980s in Lanzhou in northwestern China, Huo struck it 
rich selling beans but then lost his fortune. He washed up in Cambodia 
in the 1990s, chasing a Vietnamese dealer who owed him money. Huo 
returned to Lanzhou penniless but couldn't stay. "I'd been rich there 
once and so everybody laughed at me," he said. "A man needs 

Huo moved back to Cambodia and opened a noodle stand. He moved up to a 
noodle restaurant and then met the boss of Union Development, who came 
to his shop searching for northern Chinese food. The boss gave Huo a 
chance at Union, and now Huo is overseeing road construction. Union got 
the land because it had the cash and the connections, Huo said.

"This country is too poor and the corruption is the same as China," he 
observed. "If you have power here, you have a great future."

"Cambodians feel no pressure to succeed. They even take weekends off. 
Not us," he said, with the air of colonial supremacy you hear from many 
Chinese in Cambodia. "We work."


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