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The First massive General Strike in 22 years, supported by the 2 Portuguese
Union Confederations - UGT (has government affinities) and CGT
(traditionally linked to the communists) - and a great majority of
independent unions has been triggered by the austerity policies, outlined in
the 2011 State Budget. The austerity policies, prior to approval in the
Parliament, were agreed upon by the 2 major parties, the Socialist Party
(centre-left; in Government) and the Social-Democrat Party (centre-right).

The Austerity policies plan pay cuts (up to 10%) for civil servants, cuts in
social benefits (such as unemployment benefits and child benefits), increase
in VAT, amongst other cuts.

On the first hours of General Strike, the night shifts have registered high
levels of adherence, with no trains in the cities around the capital
(Lisbon), with boats totally paralysed, with no garbage collection services
not working, nurses registering around 70% compliance AND around 90%
accession in major factories with continuous laboring. The Strike has caused
to cancel 250 flights, as a total for the sum of all airports.
A social movement called Pi - Precarios Inflexiveis (Inflexible Precarious)
is reporting on the

Ricardo Salabert
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