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I suspect it got "87%" because everyone who went to see it, including the
critics, like it so much. I did not go see it because I hate 'dream movies'
(same with time loop movies, can't stand 'em) although I see almost all
science-fiction films out there (the "B movie" was essentially applied to
1950s sci-fi movies playing second billing at the local one-show movie

A REALLY BAD movie is "Skyline". It was SO bad, that I actually walked out
about 3/4 of the way through. I almost never do that. A movie like this is
bad from it's own perceptive. It fails to deliver on and expected promise
(Aliens invade LA, kill & eat everyone, The End). B movies *can* work if it
doesn't pretend to be something they are not, like 'profound' 'insightful'
'creative' etc. Skyline fails at every level (not to mention shitty actors
who are mostly castoffs from B TV shows in this case).

A worthwhile B movie is sort of like "Faster" with The Rock in the starting
role. He utters, maybe, 10 full sentences from start to finish, uses a .357
magnum revolver and *that is what you expect* so it works from the first
second to the last. Plus an interesting plot twist thrown in. I always go to
first showings so I can pay half prices and never feel really ripped off.

An "A movie" that is a failed "B movie" is "3 Days" with quite a good
professional acting line-up starting with Russel Crowe who, finally, has his
American accent down to where it's not a distraction. It was also filmed in
Pittsburgh, PA. Any movie "shot on location" always a good sign (except, of
course, if it's shot in L.A. the entire city of which LOOKS like a studio
backlot). Unfortunately this 'break innocent person out of prison' film
fails, is very long winded and loses sight of itself about the angst of
having an innocent spouse/friend/buddy incarcerated for a crime they didn't
commit. I say skip it.

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