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In today's New York Times there is an article discussing the suggestions of 
various thinkers on what might
sustain a growing economy in the future. (David Segal, "Some Very Creative 
Economic Fix-Its")  Here is what one New York University economist had to say:
Perhaps we are entering the era of the self-starter. Prof. Andrew aplin of New 
York University thinks so. He begins with the premise that in the coming global 
economy some people will succeed and others will not, and income inequality 
will grow. While it’s noble to focus on how to spread wealth around, he says 
that it might be wiser to think of ways the poor and middle class could cater 
to the economy’s biggest winners.

“Unfortunately, there will be income inequality,” he says, “but enough people 
will make money that those who don’t would do well, in as much as they 
understand the needs of that group.”

He says he expects a rise in what he call “artisanal services,” like cooks, 
nutritionists, small-scale farmers. He sees services emerging that aid the 
wealthy at the intersection of health and genetic science. He imagines a rise 
in technology services, too — experts who keep clients current about technology 
which can advance their interests in business, in the media, on search engines 
and so on.

Professor Caplin worries that this concept might be caricatured as “cater to 
the rich.” But he suggested that this country could use a lot more 
non-judgmental thinking about the future of the United States economy. Any 
argument on that subject that starts with the word “should,” he said, is not 
nearly as useful as one that starts with “could” and has a firm grasp on “is.”

“If you start with ‘should’ you get arguments where nobody makes any sense and 
where you can claim that some people are good and other people are bad,” he 
said, referring to recent skirmishes over Fed policy, deficits and other 
contentious topics. “With that sleight of hand you’ve ensured that you will not 
discuss anything of substance. You’ve just lined up two camps to fire at one 
Is it time to take all neoclassical economists into the woods and shoot them?

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