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(This guy might as well be on T. Boone Pickens's payroll.)

NY Times November 29, 2010
Breaking Away From Coal

HOUSTON — Progress Energy Carolinas, one of the South’s larger 
utilities, faced a dilemma last winter.

Several of its coal-fired power plants were aging and needed 
scrubbers to reduce emissions and meet North Carolina pollution 
laws. Executives figured that even tougher regulations were coming 
from Washington, and overhauling 11 generators at four plants 
would have cost nearly $2 billion, which would have been passed on 
to the company’s 1.5 million electric customers.

Plunging natural gas prices, however, offered Progress Energy an 
alternative that would save money and help it achieve pollution 
goals at the same time: scrapping the coal plants and replacing 
them with two gas plants over the next four years, at a cost of 
$1.5 billion.

“It’s a turning point,” said Bill Johnson, chairman and chief 
executive of Progress Energy, the parent company. “We’ve been a 
coal-based generator for decades, and until a few years ago, we 
thought we would remain largely coal-based and nuclear until 
people started talking about carbon regulation. We decided we had 
to do something about it.”

A lot of utilities are coming to a similar conclusion. Over the 
last year and a half, at least 10 power companies have announced 
plans to close more than three dozen of their oldest, least 
efficient coal-burning generators by 2019. A few are being 
replaced by new, more efficient coal plants, but many more are 
being replaced by gas-fired plants.

Coal still accounts for about half of the country’s electrical 
power generation, compared with about a quarter for natural gas, 
but that ratio has been shifting gradually toward gas over the 
last decade or so.

Gas burns cleaner than coal, helping utilities meet state and 
corporate goals for reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions. Older 
coal plants, on the other hand, require expensive upgrades, 
including scrubbers and other controls, to meet coming compliance 
rules to reduce mercury, nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide 
emissions. Energy specialists estimate that compliance with new 
federal regulations alone could require $70 billion of investments 
over the next decade for replacing or retrofitting the coal power 

Just as significant, gas prices have remained at depressed levels 
over the last two years after a two-thirds collapse from the 2008 
economic tumult, while coal prices have increased by more than a 
third this year because of higher production costs linked to 
tougher regulations and increased demand from China. Many people 
in the industry believe that gas prices will stay relatively low 
because of the proliferation of gas drilling in shale fields 
across the country over the last five years.

“Coal is losing its advantage incrementally to gas,” said Michael 
Zenker, a gas analyst at Barclays Capital, “and as long as gas 
prices stay as low as they have been, it’s going to continue 
indefinitely.” New gas generation capacity will outstrip new coal 
generation capacity by more than 30 percent through 2020, 
according to projections from the Energy Department. And Credit 
Suisse predicts that the replacement of coal plants by gas plants 
over the next seven years could lower annual demand for steam 
coal, which is burned for electricity, by 15 to 31 percent and 
increase demand for gas by 8 to 16 percent.

“It has the potential to reshape energy consumption in the United 
States significantly and permanently,” said Dan Eggers, a Credit 
Suisse energy analyst.

Although coal is also being replaced by nuclear and renewable 
energy sources in some places, energy specialists say that gas 
will be the main benefactor because of availability and cost.

Since burning gas emits a fraction of the greenhouse gas of coal, 
environmentalists tend to favor the switch, although some worry 
that more gas drilling could pollute groundwater because of the 
chemicals used in breaking up shale rock.

Pollution laws generally make gas more appealing than coal. Even 
as many states like Colorado and Michigan enacted stricter 
pollution laws, the Environmental Protection Agency last summer 
imposed new limits on sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions 
in 31 Eastern states and Washington by 2014.

Under court order, the E.P.A. is due to set a national standard 
for mercury emissions next year that will be phased in over the 
next three years or so. The E.P.A. is also pressing for efficiency 
improvements at existing coal plants to lower carbon emissions 
linked to climate change.

“The biggest challenge we face in this industry is this tsunami of 
regulatory requirements,” said Frank Prager, vice president for 
environmental policy at Xcel Energy, a Minneapolis-based utility 
that has proposed to close four or five coal-fired generators in 
Colorado and replace them with two gas-fired plants to comply with 
a new state air pollution law.

“It will be more cost-effective to get off coal and turn toward 
natural gas than it is to retrofit a lot of these facilities,” Mr. 
Prager said.

Seventy percent of the nation’s coal plant fleet is more than 30 
years old and a third is over 40 years old. Credit Suisse 
estimates that more than 30 percent of the American coal 
generating fleet have no emission controls at all, while another 
third lack either a scrubber for removal of sulfur dioxide or 
other controls for nitrogen oxides. Those plants, which are 
largely inefficient, will need expensive overhauls under the new 

Sonny Garg, president of Exelon Power, said he expected that the 
plants with no emission controls would probably be closed by their 
owners, who he says will be wary of investing billions of dollars 
on old equipment. “It’s a significant transformation,” Mr. Garg said.

Exelon Power has already announced the closing of three 
Eisenhower-era, coal-fired generators in Pennsylvania by May 2012 
because low gas prices have made retail electricity rates so low 
the plants are no longer economical to run.

Of course, not everyone thinks gas makes more economic sense. For 
example, a coalition of investors is building a $4 billion 
coal-fired generation plant in Illinois, betting that coal prices 
will remain low enough and regulations light to outperform gas.

Indeed, retrofitting a coal plant can be somewhat cheaper than 
constructing a new combined cycle gas turbine, industry officials say.

“A very wide range of utilities are wrestling with this issue of 
identifying what plants they would close because they are 
anticipating these regulations and there is a lot of planning 
going on right now,” said Revis James, director of energy 
technology assessment center at the Electric Power Research Institute.

Utility executives have long been cautious about using gas because 
its price has historically bounced around unpredictably while coal 
prices have typically been low and stable. But that appears to be 
changing. Over the last decade, new drilling techniques have 
brought a century’s supply of reserves within reach.

For Progress, the decision to scrap coal-fired plants and replace 
them with gas-fired plants was a drastic change in its business 
plan. It meant reducing the utility’s coal-fired production 
capacity by 30 percent while increasing gas power from less than 4 
percent of its production capacity to a projected 25 percent after 
the gas plants are built.

“You had to believe that gas was available long term” at 
reasonable prices, Mr. Johnson, Progress’s chief executive, said 
of the decision. “Around the country, people are having to have 
the same discussion, and what I think you are going to see is a 
significant move from older coal plants to newer gas plants.”

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