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US embassy cables culprit should be executed, says Mike Huckabee

Republican presidential hopeful wants the person responsible for 
the WikiLeaks cables to face capital punishment for treason

by Haroon Siddique and Matthew Weaver

Mike Huckabee Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said, 
'Whoever in our government leaked that information is guilty of 
treason, and I think anything less than execution is too kind a 
penalty'. Photograph: Tony Gutierrez/AP

The Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee has called for 
whoever leaked the 250,000 US diplomatic cables to be executed.

Huckabee, who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination at 
the last election but is one of the favourites for 2012, joined a 
growing number of people demanding the severest punishment 
possible for those behind the leak, which has prompted a global 
diplomatic crisis.

His fellow potential Republican nominee Sarah Palin had already 
called for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be "hunted down", 
and an adviser to the Canadian prime minister has echoed her comments.

Huckabee said: "Whoever in our government leaked that information 
is guilty of treason, and I think anything less than execution is 
too kind a penalty."

He added, according to Politico: "They've put American lives at 
risk. They put relationships that will take decades to rebuild at 
risk. They knew full well that they were handling sensitive 
documents they were entrusted.

"And anyone who had access to that level of information was not 
only a person who understood what their rules were, but they also 
signed, under oath, a commitment that they would not violate. They 
did … Any lives they endangered, they're personally responsible 
for and the blood is on their hands."

Bradley Manning, a US army intelligence analyst suspected of 
leaking the diplomatic cables, is currently being held at a 
military base. He has been charged with transferring classified 
data and delivering national defence information to an 
unauthorised source. He faces a court martial and up to 52 years 
in prison.

The 23-year-old was arrested after boasting in instant messages 
and emails to a high-profile former hacker, Adrian Lamo, that he 
had passed the material to WikiLeaks along with a highly 
classified video of US forces killing unarmed civilians in Baghdad.

Kathleen McFarland, who served in the Pentagon under the Nixon, 
Ford and Reagan administrations, concurred with Huckabee. "It's 
time to up the charges," said McFarland, now a Fox News national 
security analyst. "Let's charge him and try him for treason. If he 
is found guilty, he should be executed."

It is not just the Americans who are demanding blood. Tom 
Flanagan, a senior adviser to the Canadian prime minister, Stephen 
Harper, issued what has been described as a fatwa against Assange, 
on the Canadian TV station CBC.

"I think Assange should be assassinated, actually," he said. "I 
think Obama should put out a contract and maybe use a drone or 
something." Flanagan chuckled as he made the comment but did not 
retract it when questioned, adding: "I wouldn't feel unhappy if 
Assange does disappear."

Revelations directly relating to Canada have been few and far 
between so far, although there was some embarrassment for Harper 
in the leak of a US embassy note from one of the French 
president's key foreign advisers. It explained that Harper was 
invited to last year's D-day commemorations in Normandy only 
because his government was in trouble.

Assange is facing growing legal problems around the world.

The US has announced it is investigating whether he has violated 
its espionage laws, and his details have been added to Interpol's 
worldwide wanted list, based on an arrest warrant issued by 
Swedish prosecutors in connection with rape allegations.

On Monday, Sarah Palin wrote on Facebook: "He is an anti-American 
operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified 
documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to 
the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we 
pursue al-Qaida and Taliban leaders?"

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