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Let's be careful.  We're talking about the New York Yankees, not some 
jerkwater team headquartered in Queens, owned by that upstart Wilpon family.

Since when is $15 million a year enough for somebody who made $21.7 million 
last year?  Huh?  Where's your belief in due process?  In the old 
meritocracy?  In tax free bonds issued by the city to support the 
construction of a private stadium?

Goddamit, Jeter belongs in the Hall of Fame, and so does the Dead Boss, 
despite having been suspended from baseball twice.  Hell yes, Jeter deserves 
more money.  He pays some taxes in NYC, I think.  Not sure, actually.

Jeter's no hedge fund manager.  No banker.  No flim-flam asset backed 
security synthetic debt obligation CoCo bond hack.  He's a shortstop for the 
winningnest franchise ever-- the team with the most championships.  He works 
very had, 200 days out of every year, including Spring training, and the 
post-season, which the Yankees were eliminated from in the second round.  He 
even gets dirty when he works!

How can anyone doubt that Jeter is entitled to more?  Look at A-Rod! And AJ 
Burnett.  And CC.  Look at P. Diddy. Jay-Z.  Lady Ga-Ga.  Madonna. Bono.

Money.  Now that's entertainment.

The whole thing's enough to make you puke.  And I say that as a long-time 
Yankee fan.

I think I'll become an Oakland A's fan-- low payrolls, good pitching.

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