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Surely, from the point of view of the (multi-millionaire) capitalist the
crisis not only keeps on growing, but it keeps on growing with improved
possibilities of "making a killing!"

First Greece  - there's an opportunity for upping the % on sovereign debt -
AND we took it, in such a way that ensured there would be a new opportunity

Of course, Ireland - Just waiting for the plucking !!

And did we pluck it !!  Up  the % from Greece and do it again.

Where next shall we try ?

Obviously first Portugal, then Spain

They are already in turmoil

Then, of course, next after them is Britain, Belgium and France.
Meanwhile even Germany is getting fed up with supporting the Euro (cf.
Merkel), so EVERYTHING is going our way.  A really terrific KILLING.
(evidently Hitler WAS right - all depends on the  German Supermensch)

Unfortunately those youngsters studying at those troublesome institutes
known as Universities are causing a rumpus just because they may be asked to
PAY a little more for their so-called education.

There's a simple answer to that: "kettle [a new word, not yet in the OED,
but coined, helpfully, by our helpful journalists] them" where they are
protesting, and keep them there until they are prepared to give up and go

(The trouble is - there are these bloody "Human Rights! Lawyers whp insist
this is "Unlawful imprisonment" !!)

CONCLUSION - we have to be careful or it will all warp up in our faces ....


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