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Published: 12/05/07, 3:59 PM
Olmert Compares IDF to Maccabees of Yore

by Hillel Fendel

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, visiting an IDF base in Samaria for the 
first night of the Chanukah holiday, gave the soldiers an upbeat 
message. "I know you will carry out your mission to protect Israel with 
the same dedication and courage that the Maccabees had many years ago," 
Olmert said. "The strength and self-sacrifice that the Maccabees had 
then is your strength today.  Be strong and watch over us."



The location was Jerusalem. The year was 165 BCE.

A decade earlier, Antiochus IV Epiphanes had assumed rule of the 
Seleucid Empire, which stretched farther east than Alexander the Great’s 
Macedonian Empire, from modern day Saudi Arabia all the way to what are 
now Turkmenistan and Pakistan. Antiochus appointed Jason—probably in 
reward for a bribe—to the governorship of Judea, then a client state of 
the Seleucids, and, in 167 BCE, Jason did away with Jewish law and 
rebuilt Jerusalem in a Greek model. This included banning genital 
mutilation and Jewish sacrifice, permitting Jews to marry gentiles and 
instituting an internationalist program exemplified by participation in 
the Olympic Games.

To be sure, Seleucid Judea, being an imperial protectorate, was hardly 
the democratic polis par excellence; widespread corruption and 
capricious political leadership combined with a measure of jealous 
authoritarianism hardly constitute the virtuous city. Nevertheless, a 
secular, multicultural state is subject to civic reform in a way that 
dictatorial theocracy is not, and the latter is precisely what the 
Maccabees sought to establish. (The Maccabees are routinely called a 
“rebel army,” but really this is a romantic and obfuscatory term; 
“terrorist militants” is a well chosen substitute, and the one we use 
for their contemporary analogues).

Judah Maccabee, whose father Matthias had had to flee Judea after 
killing a Hellenistic Jew for worshiping before an idol, served as the 
chief of that fundamentalist army, his brothers Jonathan and Simon 
occupying the upper lieutenancy. Their holy war featured the demolition 
of pagan altars in the villages, the ritual cleansing of the temple and 
compelling the circumcision of children. Their terror campaign worked 
and, in 165 BCE, after just two years of secular law, the Maccabees 
overtook Judea, establishing the political reign of the Hasmonean dynasty.

Not content with the victory, Judah continued the war—when was the last 
time holy war ended with the conquest of but one land?—and expanded the 
boundaries of Israel, setting a nationalist-expansionist precedence 
whose reverberations we (leave alone the Palestinians) continue to feel. 
Between Judah’s regime and the subsequent administrations of his 
brothers, the fanatical Maccabee Israeli army conquered the port of 
Joppa and the fortress of Gezer and razed the Acra in Jerusalem. 
Hasmonean rule lasted until 64 BCE, when the Romans moved in and Herod 
the Great became King of Israel—for more on that, see the gospels of the 
New Testament.

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