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With the latest ruling class hysteria that some of
the material from Wikileaks is directly benefiting
Al Qaeda, one wonders wether Assange is now marked 
to dissapear into a secret prison somewhere. The 
larger issues that this case brings up was put very 
well on another discussion site: 

The class dictatorship character of the bourgeois 
democratic state stands revealed before the world 
in a way that is new and huge. The resort to naked 
censorship, intimidation and calls for the extra-judicial 
execution of Assange are stark. So too is the contradiction 
between the promise of the internet as an electronic 
commons and the reality of corporate power (as reflected 
in the actions of Amazon and PayPal). 

For whatever the "common knowledge" about the sordid 
nature of US diplomacy, the revelation of this "fault 
line "within the digital world itself is important
and will have an effect way beyond the boundaries
of online socialists. As to effectively using
some of this material for agitation, I just received 
this today from the Campaign against the Israeli Occupation:

WikiLeaks Exposes U.S. Militarization of Middle East
The cables released so far by WikiLeaks shed light on 
behind-the-scenes struggles between Israel's quest for 
complete military dominance in the Middle East versus 
the U.S. desire to saturate the entire region with a 
flood of high-tech weapons. Read more about these 
revelations here:
WikiLeaks: Israel's Security Concerns Often Clash With 
U.S. Interests, by Josh Ruebner, our National Advocacy 
WikiLeaks: War, Diplomacy & Ban ki-Moon's Toothbrush, 
by Phyllis Bennis, a member of our steering committee
Top 10 Wikileaks Palestine Nuggets, by Yousef Munayyer of 
the Jerusalem Fund, one of our member organizations

WikiLeaks has done a great service, exposing in detail 
how U.S. diplomacy is geared toward flooding the Middle 
East with weapons, fueling a never-ending arms race, 
abetting Israel's crimes against innocent Palestinian 
and Lebanese civilians, maintaining U.S. wars 
that have cost hundreds of billions of dollars.


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