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Rethinking Conspiracy:  The Political Philosophy of Julian  Assange
by Peter Ludlow
Dept. of Philosophy
Northwestern University
_peterjlud...@gmail.com_ (mailto:peterjlud...@gmail.com) 
Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government  
owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To  
destroy this invisible government, to befoul this unholy alliance between  
corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of  statesmanship. 
-- President Theodore Roosevelt (epigraph from an  Assange paper)
There has been plenty of venom spewed about the recently arrested Julian  
Assange, ranging from calls for his assassination to claims that he is an  
anarchist and even (according to Newt Gingrich) that he runs a terrorist  
organization.  On the other side there have been those who view him  positively 
as a prophet of the “information wants to be free” hacker  ethic.   While I 
used to agree with the latter group, but I now  understand that this is a 
gross oversimplification of his views.   
I’ve been reading some of Assange’s more philosophical writings, ranging  
from blog posts to position papers.  While this work is scattered and at  
times technical (and certainly enthymematic) I think I have the gist of his  
position.  My goal in this note is explain his philosophical position as  
best as I can.  Since my goal is pedagogical, I won’t weigh in pro or con,  but 
I will conclude with some questions for further discussion.
To keep things as tight as possible, I’ve organized my summary of his  
position into three parts.  First, I’ll look at his view of what  conspiracies 
are and how they are formed.  Second, I’ll examine his views  about why 
conspiracies are necessarily harmful.  Third, I’ll turn to his  reason for t
hinking that leaks are optimal weapons for the dismantling of  conspiracies.
1.0  What are Conspiracies?
One of the core goals of Assange’s project is to dismantle what he calls  “
conspiracies.”  I use scare quotes here because he doesn’t mean  ‘
conspiracy’ in the usual sense of people sitting around in a room plotting some 
crime or deception.  As I understand Assange’s view it is entirely possible  
that there could be a conspiracy in which no person in the conspiracy was 
aware  that they were part of the conspiracy.  How is this possible?
I’ll get into details in a bit, but first I think the basic idea of a  
conspiracy with unwitting agents can be illustrated in a simple way.   Suppose 
that you have some information that is valuable – say some inside  
information about the financial state of a corporation.  If you immediately  
make that 
information public without acting on it, it is worth nothing to  you.  On 
the other hand, if you keep it to yourself you may not fully  profit from the 
information.  Ideally, you would like to seek out someone  that you could 
trade the information with, and who you could be sure would keep  the 
information close so that it remained valuable.  Let’s say that I have  similar 
information and that we trade it.  You may trade with other friends  and I may 
do likewise.  In each case we have simply traded information for  our own 
benefit, but we have also built a little network of information traders  who, 
hopefully, are keeping the information relatively close and are giving us  
something equally valuable in kind.  We may not know the scope of the  
network and we may not even realize we are part of a network, but we are, and  
this network constitutes a conspiracy as Assange understands it.  No one  sat 
down and agreed to form a network of inside information traders – the  
network has simply naturally emerged from our local individual bargains.   We 
say that the network is an emergent property of these bargains.
Emergent conspiracies like this needn’t be restricted to the business  
world.  Suppose that I am a reporter.  I would like to have some hot  news to 
report.  You agree to give me the inside information, but you do so  with the 
understanding that you and your network friends will act on your  
information before you give it to me and it becomes worthless when  published.  
I get 
my scoop, and you get to control the conditions under  which the information 
is made public.  I, as reporter, am now unknowingly  part of the 
conspiracy.  I am participating in the conspiracy by respecting  the secrets 
that the 
network wishes to keep, and releasing the secrets (and  sometimes 
misinformation) only when it is in the interest of the network to do  so.  I 
become a part of the network, and hence part of the  conspiracy.
The network need not start out as a conspiracy.  Suppose we have an  
organization (say the US State Department) and some of our communications lead  
embarrassment or political blowback.  Naturally, we want to avoid such  
unpleasantries, so we begin to communicate in secret.  Assange puts the  point 
this way:
Plans which assist authoritarian rule, once discovered, induce resistance.  
Hence these plans are concealed by successful authoritarian powers. This is 
 enough to define their behavior as conspiratorial. [“Conspiracy as 
Governance,”  Dec. 3, 2006, p. 3 – available at 
(http://web.archive.org/web/20071020051936/http://iq.org/conspiracies.pdf) ]
We can illustrate with a recent example.  Suppose that the leader of  an 
Arab country wants the United States to take strong action against  Iran.  If 
the Arab leader’s people knew he took such a position there would  be strong 
political blowback and resistance (and possible political risk for  him), 
hence he conducts his discussions with the United States in secret.   He has 
become part of a conspiracy.
These three illustrations all show the central feature of what Assange  
takes to be a conspiracy – secrecy and exchange of information within a closed  
network.  In the next section I will address why Assange thinks these  
closed networks are problematic, but for now it is important to stress that 
 is conspiracy in the sense of the original etymology of ‘conspire’ – as 
in  “breathe with” or “breathe together”.  The individuals are acting in  
concert, whether by plan or not, and the secrecy ensures that the benefits of 
 the network accrue to those inside the network and not outside it.
Assange’s view seems to borrow from recent work on network theory, emergent 
 systems, and work on self-synchronizing systems.  Let’s start with network 
 theory, and Assange’s own illustration of the way a network functions.
We will use connected graphs as a way to apply our spatial reasoning  
abilities to political relationships. First take some nails (“conspirators”) 
 hammer them into a board at random. Then take twine (“communication”) and 
loop  it from nail to nail without breaking. Call the twine connecting two 
nails a  link. Unbroken twine means it is possible to travel from any nail 
to any other  nail via twine and intermediary nails…Information flows from 
conspirator to  conspirator. Not every conspirator trusts or knows every other 
conspirator even  though all are connected. Some are on the fringe of the 
conspiracy, others are  central and communicate with many conspirators and 
others still may know only  two conspirators but be a bridge between important 
sections or groupings of the  conspiracy… [Conspiracy as Governance, p. 2]
Conspirators are often discerning, for some trust and depend each other,  
while others say little. Important information flows frequently through some  
links, trivial information through others. So we expand our simple 
connected  graph model to include not only links, but their “importance.”
Return to our board-and-nails analogy. Imagine a thick heavy cord between  
some nails and fine light thread between others. Call the importance, 
thickness  or heaviness of a link its weight. Between conspirators that never 
communicate  the weight is zero. The “importance” of communication passing 
through a link is  difficult to evaluate apriori, since its true value depends 
on the outcome of  the conspiracy. We simply say that the “importance” of 
communication contributes  to the weight of a link in the most obvious way; 
the weight of a link is  proportional to the amount of important communication 
flowing across it.  Questions about conspiracies in general won’t require 
us to know the weight of  any link, since that changes from conspiracy to 
conspiracy. [“Conspiracy as  Governance,” p. 3]
What Assange is describing here is what network theorists might call a  “
scale free network”.  It is not a network with evenly distributed links,  but 
it is designed somewhat like an airline flight route map, with a handful of  
heavily connected hubs (not one, but several).  Such networks are highly  
resilient (the internet is also such a network, as is the human brain) 
because  you cannot destroy the network by randomly destroying nodes; you would 
have to  carefully target the hubs (more on shutting down the network in a 
One point that Assange does not speak about directly is the way that  
members of the network – especially the ones with heavily weighted connections  
will enjoy intensive information flow between each other.  For example, two  “
conspirators” who routinely exchange much information with each other will 
not  merely exchange information but may well develop tight social 
relationships as a  result.  So, for example, military contractors and 
congressmen don
’t merely  exchange information but they also socialize together – be it 
at expensive  Washington restaurants or duck hunting in South Dakota.  This 
suggests the  possibility of attitudinal entrainment.
Entrainment is a term in psychology that refers to the way in which human  
agents synch up with each other.  They might synch up in the way they speak  
or how they use terms, or for that matter they may synch up in their 
political  attitudes.  The point seems obvious enough; people who spend time 
together  start to think in similar ways.  What is interesting in this instance 
is  that the closed network becomes a system in which as attitudes propagate 
and  normalize within the network, network members come to have shared 
values.   In an existing network, sharing the requisite values may be a 
prerequisite for  entering the network.  Because the network is closed the 
attitudes  in the network need not and probably will not be in tune with those 
outside the  network.
The other thing to understand about conspiracies like this is that the sum  
is greater than the parts.  Because the network is complex and  
interconnected Assange thinks of it as an information processing system in its  
Conspiracies are cognitive devices. They are able to outthink the same  
group of individuals acting alone Conspiracies take information about the world 
 in which they operate (the conspiratorial environment), pass through the  
conspirators and then act on the result. We can see conspiracies as a type 
of  device that has inputs (information about the environment), a 
computational  network (the conspirators and their links to each other) and 
(actions  intending to change or maintain the environment). [“Conspiracy as 
Govenance”, p.  3]
Is this bad?
2.0  Why conspiracies are necessarily harmful
What’s wrong with conspiracies?  In a certain sense closed networks  are 
ubiquitous.  Problems arise when they become extremely powerful,  because 
whatever the intentions of the individuals within the network, the  network 
itself is optimized for its own success, and not for the benefit of  those 
outside of the network.  Again, this is not by design, it is just an  emergent 
property of such systems that they function in this way.  The  
military/industrial/congressional complex is of this form.  People that do  not 
act to be
nefit their neighbor nodes in the network will eventually be  expunged from 
the system because their neighbor nodes will minimize  contact.  Those acting 
in concert with their neighbor node/conspirators  will form stronger ties 
and will benefit from the information and financial  goods that participation 
in the network delivers.  This is true even at the  edges of the network.  
Reporters that violate the trust of their neighbor  nodes in the network will 
be cut off from the network – they will no longer get  their hot scoops.
All of this sounds good if you are in the network.  Obviously if you  are 
not in the network you are not benefiting.  Conspirators in the network  may 
think they are working for the benefit of others (the individuals in  the  
military/industrial/congressional complex may well think they are  acting for 
the benefit of the American people, but this only so much  self-deception); 
they are actually acting for the network.
Even if you are a member of the network it is not clear that you ultimately 
 benefit except in the obvious ways that one has power and wealth – the 
cost of  this Faustian bargain is that one must surrender one’s creativity.  
Assange  also talk about such networks/conspiracies acting against “people’s 
will to  truth, love and self-realization”, and here I can only speculate 
that he means  members of the conspiracy are not acting for love of other 
individuals or for  finding truth outside of the network but rather are acting 
for the survival of  the conspiracy/network.  If your actions do not ensure 
the health of the  network the network will expunge you. 

3.0 How do we dismantle conspiracies?
Earlier I mentioned the etymology of ‘conspire’.  It’s also  interesting 
to reflect on the etymology of ‘anarchy’ because it means “without  leader.”
  The reason that is interesting is that traditional anarchists are  
interested in targeting leaders or heads, just as the United States government  
seems obsessed with targeting heads of terrorist networks and indeed Assange  
himself as the head of the Wikileaks network.  But the genius insight of  
Assange here is his observation that these conspiracies don’t have heads.   It 
is pointless to try and target a single leader, or even a handful of  
leaders.  The conspiracy is a scale free network; it is too hard to take  down.
Let’s go back to Assange’s illustration of the nails connected by the  
twine.  Imagine that this board had 100 nails all connected by a single  length 
of twine wrapped around the nails.  How many nails would you have to  pull 
out before the network of twine fell apart?  10?  20? 50? Assange  thinks 
that this is not the way to target the network; Rather what we want to do  is 
to intercept and cut the information flow in the network so that the twine  
unravels of its own accord.
There are two ways in which this might play out.  One possibility is  that 
once the information flowing is leaked it is no longer closely held and is  
no longer valuable – it is no longer a source of power for the network.   
The network no longer has an advantage.  Now, the network may detect a  leak, 
and will act to preserve its information.  In this case the network  
undergoes a kind of fission.  It severs the leaky link and in effect  separates 
from the part of the network where the leak occurred. 
How can we reduce the ability of a conspiracy to act?…We can split the  
conspiracy, reduce or eliminating important communication between a few high  
weight links or many low weight links. [“State and Terrorist Conspiracies,” 
Nov.  10, 2006, p. 4, available at iq.org/conspiracies.pdf]
 Thus even if the network survives it may well be forced to split into  
parts.  In this case the network becomes less powerful, even though it  still 
exists and is still a conspiracy.  It is simply a weaker  conspiracy.
There is another advantage, however, in Assange’s view.  Leaks place a  
cognitive tax on the network.  If the conspirators cannot trust each other  
with their information they are less likely to exchange it – there is an added  
cognitive expense to the information processing that the network  
undertakes.  This is how Assange puts the point:
The more secretive or unjust an organization is, the more leaks induce fear 
 and paranoia in its leadership and planning coterie. This must result in  
minimization of efficient internal communications mechanisms (an increase in 
 cognitive "secrecy tax") and consequent system-wide cognitive decline 
resulting  in decreased ability to hold onto power as the environment demands  
Hence in a world where leaking is easy, secretive or unjust systems are  
nonlinearly hit relative to open, just systems. Since unjust systems, by their 
 nature induce opponents, and in many places barely have the upper hand, 
mass  leaking leaves them exquisitely vulnerable to those who seek to replace 
them  with more open forms of governance.
(The Nonlinear Effects of Leaks on Unjust  Systems of Governance.” Dec. 21, 
2006 blog post available at  “
In other words, leaks make it harder for the conspiracy to conduct its  
business and that is all to the good.
As I said earlier, my goal is primarily so I am merely describing his views 
 without much editorializing.  There are some interesting questions that 
are  raised, however, and I close with those.
1) Is it necessarily the case that the conspiracy can’t act to the benefit  
of others?  Arab leaders are conspiring with the United States to defeat  
Iran’s nuclear program, but isn’t this a good thing?  Alternatively, it  
might be observed that rogue states like Iran are often the product of a  
population’s push back against some puppet that was part of a US involving  
conspiracy (e.g. the Shah of Iran).  Perhaps conspiracies end up creating  the 
very rogue states they refer to justify their existence?
2) The conspiracy relies on lots of innocent people to do its business  
(Iraqi civilian informants, for example).  Leaking network secrets may put  
these people at risk.  What safeguards should an operation like Wikileaks  have 
to protect such people?  Alternatively, could you argue that if there  was 
no conspiracy such people would not be put at risk in the first place?   Is 
it credible to think that in the long run breaking apart conspiracies  
protects innocent people from being caught up in dangerous spy games?
3) While acting against the conspiracy might place a cognitive tax on it,  
does it not also make the network stronger in the end?  That is, won’t the  
conspiracy become more secretive and more draconian in its actions?
4) To what extent is Wikileaks itself a conspiracy? To this end, are there  
good conspiracies and bad conspiracies?  Should we distinguish between  
conspiracies of the powerful and conspiracies of those who seek to level the  
playing field?  At what point would a network like Wikileaks become too  
5) Assange is now in jail, but does it really matter?  If Wikileaks is  
itself a kind of conspiracy then only one nail has been pulled from the  board. 
 Will the network unravel?  Will it undergo fission resulting  in the 
proliferation of many LittleWikileaks?  Or will it lead to copycats  and 
the emergence of Leaker culture?  If the latter, then what  consequences 
will there be for traditional conspiracies of the powerful? 
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