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Australia Blames U.S. for Leaked CablesBy REUTERS
Published: December 8, 2010
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. Filed at 1:38 a.m. ET 

 BRISBANE, Australia (Reuters) - The Australian government Wednesday blamed
the United States, not the WikiLeaks founder, for the unauthorized release
of about 250,000 secret U.S. diplomatic cables and said those who originally
leaked the documents were legally liable. 

Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd also said the leaks raised questions over the
"adequacy" of U.S. security over the cables. 

"Mr (Julian) Assange is not himself responsible for the unauthorized release
of 250,000 documents from the U.S. diplomatic communications network," Rudd
told Reuters in an interview. 

"The Americans are responsible for that," said Rudd, who had been described
in one leaked U.S. cable as a "control freak." 

WikiLeaks founder Assange defended his Internet publishing site Wednesday,
saying it was crucial to spreading democracy and likening himself to global
media baron Rupert Murdoch in the quest to publish the truth. 

Assange has angered the United States and governments across the globe by
publishing details of secret U.S. documents. 

The original source of the leak is unknown, though a U.S. Army private who
worked as an intelligence analyst in Iraq, Bradley Manning, has been charged
by military authorities with unauthorized downloading of more than 150,000
State Department cables. 

U.S. officials have declined to say whether those cables are the same ones
now being released by WikiLeaks. 


Assange was remanded in custody by a British court on Tuesday over
allegations of sex crimes in Sweden. 

"I think there are real questions to be asked about the adequacy of their
(U.S.) security systems and the level of access that people have had to that
material over a long period of time," said Rudd. 

"The core responsibility, and therefore legal liability, goes to those
individuals responsible for that initial unauthorized release," he said. 

In an opinion piece in Murdoch's The Australian newspaper, headlined "Don't
shoot the messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths," Assange said
WikiLeaks deserved protection, not attacks. 

"In 1958 a young Rupert Murdoch, then owner and editor of Adelaide's The
News, wrote: 'In the race between secrecy and truth, it seems inevitable
that truth will always win'," wrote Assange. 

He cited the late Keith Murdoch, Rupert's father, who during World War One
exposed the needless loss of Australian life at Gallipoli, where Australian
troops under British command were slaughtered in a failed attack against the

"Keith Murdoch would not be silenced and his efforts led to the termination
of the disastrous Gallipoli campaign," Assange wrote. "Nearly a century
later, WikiLeaks is also fearlessly publishing facts that need to be made

Assange made no comment about his arrest in Britain after Sweden issued a
European Arrest Warrant for sex crimes allegations. Assange, 39, denies the
charges, and was remanded in jail until a fresh hearing on December 14. 

Assange, a 39-year-old Australian, referred to his upbringing in a small
Australian country town, where people "spoke their minds bluntly" and
distrusted big government. "WikiLeaks was created around these core values,"
he wrote. 

He said WikiLeaks was set up as a way of using new technology to report the
truth and said not one person had been harmed by any information published
over the past four years. 

"Democratic societies need a strong media and WikiLeaks is part of that
media. The media helps keep government honest. WikiLeaks has revealed some
hard truths about the Iraq and Afghan wars, and broken stories about
corporate corruption," he wrote. 

Assange questioned why only WikiLeaks was under attack, when other media
outlets like Britain's The Guardian, The New York Times and Germany's Der
Spiegel had also published U.S. cables. 

"There is a separate and secondary legal question...which is the legal
liabilities of those responsible for the dissemination of that information,
whether it's WikiLeaks, whether it's Reuters, or whether it is anybody
else," said Rudd. 

WikiLeaks has vowed to continue releasing details of the secret U.S.
documents it obtained. 

Monday, Rudd defended Australia's relations with China as "robust" after a
WikiLeaks document showed he had advised Washington it might need to use
force to contain Beijing. Another cable said Rudd was a control freak
focused on the media. 

Rudd said Wednesday Australia would provide Assange with consular help in
relation to the court hearings in Britain over his possible extradition to

Assange's UK lawyer, Mark Stephens, has said a renewed bail application
would be made and that his client is "fine." He said many people felt the
prosecution was politically motivated. 

But a Swedish prosecutor was cited in newspaper Aftonbladet as saying the
case was not connected with Assange's WikiLeaks work. 

The Australian foreign minister also expressed concerns over any threats
made against Assange, who says he has even faced calls for his

"We'd be concerned about the safety and security of all Australians. People
should be free from any such threats," said Rudd. 

(Editing by Mchael Perry and Mark Bendeich) 

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