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Yesterday both the Federal and Metropolitan police (the
first one dependent on the national government, the latter on the provincial 
forcefully “evicted”, (that is, shot the shit out of,) people who were taking
shelter in Villa Soldati in the province of Buenos Aires. This resulted in the
deaths of a Paraguayan 24 year old man and a Bolivian 28 year old woman, 
Salgueiro, and Rosemary Puña. The people who were “evicted” were in their
majority non-nationals, and the police as you might expect, took note, very
like “Patria Grande” style.

This, however, is only another link in the chain. About a
month after the murder of Mariano Ferreyra, the 23 year old militant of the
Partido Obrero, 

(whose fight against the trade-union bureaucracy, as you
might recall from our Izquierda Nacional marxmailer, “we MUST protest, [since
it] is the perverted way some self-appointed Leftists tried to use this crime
in Argentina against the government and the best elements in the union 
Best elements who used to lead the Juventud Sindical Peronista (Moyano), which
helped the dictatorship in “neutralizing” those terrorist subversives, or who
profit millions together with the leader of the anti-national right Macri
(Pedraza) with the tercerization business…)

in the province of Formosa the gendarmes went to control the
protest of the Toba indigenous people of “La Primavera” community, who after
being displaced, that is, ripped off their lands, were blocking the road. Just
like Miss President Courage, companera Cristina Fernandez de Krichner promised
(“Pagaria mil costos politicos antes de reprimir argentinos”,= I would pay a
thousand political costs before repressing Argentines) brutally repressed and 
people died (of course, like the people in Villa Soldati, they were not
Argentines, or people...) The QOM peoples have been demonstrating for years
blocking the highways since the governmental apparatus is implementing a
vicious home-burning “eviction”.

Here’s companera Cristina with Gildo Insfran, the governor
of the Formosa province, who did not dare cover this up but: justified it,
companera Cristina, of course, taking cue from him, didn’t say nothing:


Here’s a good report from Indimedia


Another link in the chain of objective assaults of the
ruling class (in both its progressive nationalist and neoliberal garb) in the 
interests of capital, not that that matters when the
oppressed must still wait to learn from the real Marxists what their real
interests are.

Anyway, just thought I the “marxist” ought to give the real-life
actually existing MARXISTS a hint or two on the contradictory and complex
process of the bourgeois construction of the absolute ONE NATION, impudent child
I am…

I hope I haven’t ruined Nestor’s opportunity to break this
news, I am sure he’s writing an objective report which addresses the social 
conditions instead of throwing empty labels based on apologetic abstractions, 
as I’m posting
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