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i wonder if she has had a change of heart or she is using this to rehab her 


time will tell what is behind this rape case.  anna ardin's blogging about 
revenge does cast doubt on her credibility.  i have to question whether this is 
being done for revenge, for feelings of rejection, the "fury of a woman 
scorned", or feminist outrage at being used.  or are these women being used to 
destroy assange?  it does seem like assange's a cad who consciously exploited 
these two women for sexual gratification.  it also seems both these women 
pursued him for his celebrity and were naive if they expected anything to come 
of it.  men and women have been rejecting and hurting each other since adam and 
eve.  what woman would not say adam was a sexist MCP, and men have said even 
worse about eve. who among us can say they have never selfishly hurt someone of 
the opposite (or same) sex?  it's a dirty rotten shame that gender politics has 
to erupt at a time like this; taking away from what wikileaks is all about. no 
feminist i know wants
 this. assange should face his accusers and have a fair trial for the whole 
world to see the swedish justice system in action.  if however, assange is 
quickly sent to the  U.S. there will be a world wide backlash, especially 
if he is railroaded for treason in an american court... meanwhile, all this 
hullabaloo is distracting us all from the wikileaks, which is what this is  
really all about.


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