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 Why Bolivia stood alone in opposing the Cancún climate agreementby Pablo


Diplomacy is traditionally a game of alliance and compromise. Yet in the
early hours of Saturday 11 December,
Bolivia<http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/bolivia>found itself alone
against the world: the only nation to oppose the outcome
of the United Nations climate change summit in
We were accused of being obstructionist, obstinate and unrealistic. Yet in
truth we did not feel alone, nor are we offended by the attacks. Instead, we
feel an enormous obligation to set aside diplomacy and tell the truth.
The "Cancún accord" was presented late Friday
and we were given two hours to read it. Despite pressure to sign something –
anything – immediately, Bolivia requested further deliberations. This text,
we said, would be a sad conclusion to the negotiations. After we were denied
any opportunity to discuss the text, despite a lack of consensus, the president
banged her gavel to approve the
Many commentators have called the Cancún accord a "step in the right
direction." We disagree: it is a giant step backward. The text replaces
binding mechanisms for reducing greenhouse gas emissions with voluntary
pledges that are wholly insufficient. These pledges contradict the stated
goal of capping the rise in temperature at 2C, instead guiding us to 4C or
more. The text is full of loopholes for polluters, opportunities for
expanding carbon markets and similar mechanisms – like the forestry scheme
that reduce the obligation of developed countries to act.
Bolivia may have been the only country to speak out against these failures,
but several negotiators told us privately that they support us. Anyone who
has seen the science on climate
change<http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/climate-change>knows that
the Cancún agreement was irresponsible.
In addition to having science on our side, another reason we did not feel
alone in opposing an unbalanced text at Cancún is that we received thousands
of messages of support from the women, men, and young people of the social
movements that have stood by us and have helped inform our position. It is
out of respect for them, and humanity as a whole, that we feel a deep
responsibility not to sign off on any paper that threatens millions of
Some claim the best thing is to be realistic and recognise that at the very
least the agreement saved the UN process from collapse.
Unfortunately, a convenient realism has become all that powerful nations are
willing to offer, while they ignore scientists' exhortations to act
radically now. The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has found
that in order to have a 50% chance of keeping the rise in temperature below
1.5C, emissions must peak by 2015. The attempt in Cancún to delay critical
decisions until next year could have catastrophic consequences.
Bolivia is a small country. This means we are among the nations most
vulnerable to climate change, but with the least responsibility for causing
the problem. Studies indicate that our capital city of La Paz could become a
desert within 30 years. What we do have is the privilege of being able to
stand by our ideals, of not letting partisan agendas obscure our principal
aim: defending life and Earth. We are not desperate for money. Last year,
after we rejected the Copenhagen
the US cut our climate
We are not beholden to the World Bank, as so many of us in the south once
were. We can act freely and do what is right.
Bolivia may have acted unusually by upsetting the established way of dealing
with things. But we face an unprecedented crisis, and false victories won't
save the planet. False agreements will not guarantee a future for our
children. We all must stand up and demand a climate agreement strong enough
to match the crisis we confront.
• Pablo Solon is the ambassador of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the
United Nations <http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/unitednations>.

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