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    United National

    Antiwar Committee

    <mailto:unacpe...@gmail.com> or UNAC at P.O. Box 123, Delmar, NY 12054

    518-227-6947   www.UNACpeace.org <http://www.unacpeace.org/>



    *(Please forward widely)*




    *Back to the Streets!  **
    **April 9th: Demonstrate Against the Wars at Home and Abroad
    * Call to Action**

    *And Request for Endorsement*

    *April 9, 2011 *

    *New York & San Francisco*

    *from the*

    *United National Antiwar Committee*

    *To endorse the call, click here




    * *

    */THEY are the government, corporate, and financial powers that wage
    war, ravage the environment and the economy and trample on our
    democratic rights and liberties./*

    */ /*


    */ /*

    */WE are the vast majority of humanity who want peace, a healthy
    planet and a society that prioritizes human needs, democracy and
    civil liberties for all./*


    *The Warmakers* spend trillions of dollars yearly on endless wars in
    pursuit of global domination and profit while murdering millions of
    innocent people, installing corrupt and hated governments and
    funding occupations that displace millions from their homelands –
    trampling on the right of oppressed people to self-determination.

    * *

    *THEY* send our youth – victims of the economic draft – to fight
    over the very fossil fuels whose unrestrained use threatens the
    future of the planet while corrupt and virtually unregulated oil
    giants dump billions of gallons of death into our rivers and oceans.


    *THEY* wage a fake “war on terrorism” at home – the new McCarthyism
    – that promotes racism and Islamophobia aimed at destroying civil
    liberties and democratic rights.


    *THEY* grant repeated and untold trillions in bailouts to banks,
    corporations and financial institutions while breaking unions,
    robbing pensions, destroying jobs, foreclosing homes, de-funding
    education and vital social services and are once again threatening
    Social Security and Medicare.


    *THEY *offer no solutions to the current crises other than more of
    the same.


    *THE PEACEMAKERS DEMAND* a better world. Only a massive, united,
    inclusive and independent movement has the power to bring it into being.


    *WE DEMAND* Bring U.S. Troops, Mercenaries and War Contractors Home
    Now: Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan! End the sanctions and stop the
    threats of war against the people of Iran, North Korea and Yemen. No
    to war and plunder of the people of Latin America and Africa! End
    U.S. Aid to Israel! End U.S. Support to the Israeli Occupation of
    Palestine and the Siege of Gaza!

    * *

    *WE DEMAND* trillions for jobs, education, social services, an end
    to all foreclosures, quality single-payer healthcare for all, a
    massive conversion to sustainable and planet-saving energy systems
    and public transportation and reparations to the victims of U.S.
    terror at home and abroad.


    *WE DEMAND* an end to FBI raids on antiwar, social justice, and
    international solidarity activists, an end to the racist persecution
    and prosecutions that ravage Muslim communities, an end to police
    terror in Black and Latino communities, full rights and legality for
    immigrants and an end to all efforts to repress and punish Wikileaks
    and its contributors and founders.


    *WE DEMAND* the immediate end to torture, rendition, secret trials,
    drone bombings and death squads.





    *All Out April 9, 2011*

    * *


    *_To add your group’s name to the endorser list,

    *_local, state or national, click here 



    Initial List of Endorsers (List in formation)

    * = For Identification only


        UNAC –United National Antiwar Committee

        Center for Constitutional Rights

        Muslim Peace Coalition, USA

        Voices for Creative Nonviolence

        Veterans for Peace

        International Action Center

        Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

        Fellowship of Reconciliation

        Black Agenda Report

        National Assembly to End U.S. Wars and Occupations

        World Can’t Wait

        Campaign for Peace and Democracy

        Project Salam

        Canadian Peace Alliance

        BAUAN USA

        Lynne Stewart Defense Committee

       Office of the Americas

        Tariq Ali

        Dr. Margaret Flowers  PNHP *

        Ramsey Clark

    Ahmed Shawk, editor, International Socialist Review


    American Iranian Friendship Committee

    Ana Edwards, Chair, Sacred Ground Historical Reclamation Project -
    Richmond, Va.

    Andy Griggs, Co-chair, California Teachers  Association, Peace and
    Justice Caucus/UTLA-retired*

    Bail Out the People Movement

    Barrio Unido, San Francisco

    Bashir Abu-Manneh

    Baltimore Job Is a Right Campaign

    Battered Mother’s Custody Conference

    Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace

    Bob Hernandez, Chapter President, SEIU Local 1021*

    Bonnie Weinstein – Bay Area United Against Wars Newsletter

    Boston UNAC

    Café Intifada – Los Angeles

    Camilo E. Mejia, Iraq war veteran and resister

    Campaign for a Mass Party of Labor

    Carole Seligman – Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal *

    Central Jersey Coalition Against Endless War

    Coalition for Justice – Blacksburg, Va.

    Colombian Front for Socialism (FECOPES)

    Columbus Campaign for Arms Control

    Committee for Justice to Defend the Los Angeles 8

    Dave Welsh, Delegate, San Francisco Labor Council

    David Keil – Metro West Peace Action (MWPA) *

    Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality - Virginia

    Derrick O’Keefe, Co-chair StopWar.ca (Vancouver) and

    Detroit Committee to Stop FBI/Grand Jury Repression.

    Doug Bullock, Albany County Legislator

    Dr. Andy Coats  PNHP *

    DRUM (Desis Rising Up and Moving) – New York

    Elaine Brower  - national steering committee of WCW and anti-war
    military mom

    Fight Imperialism Stand Together (FIST) 

    Freedom Road Socialist Organization

    Freedom Socialist Party

    Gilbert Achcar – Lebanese academic and writer

    Guilderland Neighbors for Peace

    Haiti Action Committee

    Hands off Venezuela

    International Socialist Organization

    Iraq Peace Action Coalition – Minneapolis

    Jersey City Peace Movement

    Journal Square Homeless Coalition

    Kim Nguyen, Metrowest Peace Action (MWPA)*

    Lillie “Ms. K” Branch-Kennedy – Director, Resource Information Help
    for the Disadvantaged (R.I.H.D.), Virginia

    Lisa Savage, CODEPINK Maine, Bring Our War $$ Home Coaltion *

    Los Angeles – Palestine Labor Solidarity Committee

    Maggie Zhou – ClimateSOS *

    Maine Veterans for Peace

    Maria Cristina Gutierrez, Exec. Director,  Companeros del Barrio

    Mark Roman, Waterville Area Bridges for Peace & Justice

    Marlena Santoyo, Germantown Friends Meeting, Philadelphia, PA

    Masjid As-Salam Mosque, Albany, NY

    Michigan Emergency Committee Against Wars and Injustice

    Middle East Children's Alliance

    Middle East Crisis Committee

    Mobilization Against War and Occupation  - Vancouver, Canada

    Mobilization to Free Mumia

    Moratorium NOW Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility

    Muslim Solidarity Committee

    Nancy Murray, Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights* 

    New Abolitionist Movement

    New England United

    New Socialist Project

    New York Labor Against the War

    No More Victims

    Nodutdol for Korean Community Development

    Northeast Peace and Justice Action Coalition

    Northwest Greens


    Nuestro Norte Es El Sur ((NUNO-SUR) Our North is the South

    Pakistan USA Freedom Forum

    Pakistani Trade Union Defense Campaign

    Peace and Freedom Party

    Peninsula Peace & Justice, Blue Hill, Maine

    Peninsula Peace and Justice Center – Palo Alto, Ca.

    Peoples Video Network

    Phil Wilayto, Editor, The Virginia Defender

    Philadelphia Against War

    Progressive Peace Coalition, Columbus Ohio

    Queen Zakia Shabazz – Director, United Parents Against Lead
    National, Inc.

    Ralph Poynter, Lynne Stewart Defense Committee

    Revolutionary Workers Group

    Rhode Island Mobilization Committee

    Rochester Against War

    Ron Jacobs, writer

    Saladin Muhammad - Founding Member, Black Workers for Justice

    Sarah Roche-Mahdi, Code Pink Boston*

    Saratoga Peace Alliance

    Sherry Wolf – International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Author
    Sexuality and Socialism

    Siege Busters Working Group

    Socialist Action

    Socialist Organizer

    Socialist Viewpoint


    Solidarity Committee of the Capital District

    Stop the Wars Coalition, Boston

    The Campaign Against Sanctions & Military Intervention in Iran

    The Thomas Merton Center

    Twin Cities Peace Campaign

    Upper Hudson Peace Action

    Virginia Defender

    West Hartford Citizens for Peace and Justice

    WESTPAC Foundation

    Women against Military Madness

    Workers International League

    Workers World Party

    Youth for International Socialism










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    * *


















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