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Thank you Louis for posting this article. It is one of the most inspiring
I've ever seen on Cuban health care missions. From a capitalist daily, no
less. Well done.

I might add that there is a small passing sentence on Cuban eye doctors. It
is a fate of history that Cuba has what are considered some of the best eye
doctors in the world (Interestingly, El Salvador has some excellent eye
doctors as well) as the historical 'residue' of the collapse of the USSR.

The USSR pioneered eye surgery and ended up with developing the radical
procedure that actually corrects eye vision for people who are near-sided.
This surgery, called keratectomy laid the ground work for Lasik, a procedure
I had to that corrected by 20/400 visions to 20/20. The Cubans had a
contingent of eye surgery students in Russia throughout the 1960s and 1970s
when the Russians developed the original procedures for this form of sight
correction, an outgrowth of general cataract surgery.

Instead of focusing on keratectomy, they focused on what was an endemic
problem in poor and developing countries: cataracts. Now they are the worlds
leading teachers of, and surgeons in, cataract removal.

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