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On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Dan <d.koech...@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

> ============================================================
> The US disease known as Evangelical Fundamentalism is a direct threat to
> working class autonomy and emancipation. In the US, tapping into the
> Evangelical vote is done by Republicans. Rather than trying to engage
> with such elements, US Marxists should be extremely wary of the
> pernicious effects of religion which is always concerned with
> establishing authoritarian rule and protecting the powers that be.
> Cases involving born-again Christian teachers refusing to teach
> evolution are becoming as frequent as burqa-clad teachers telling
> children that women should "dress modestly". Both are pilling up in the
> European Court of Human Rights, despite clear precedents showing that
> the ECHR upholds secularism.

I suppose this means that the US left should have refused to support and
build the movement against Jim Crow in the 1950s and 60s since it was lead
predominantly by Black Christian ministers.

To mention in the same breath and thus equate the struggle by victims of
racism and xenophobia with the oppressive fundamentalism of racists and
xenophobes is to completely miss the distinction of which side are you on,
which I would list as the starting point for revolutionaries.
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