Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 Hi Marce,
Your link to Sexto's essay is in untranslated Spanish. (?)

On Jan 6, 2011, at 4:21 PM, Marce Cameron wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> From new Cuba blog "Cuba's Socialist Renewal"
> http://cubasocialistrenewal.blogspot.com
> To sign up as a follower or to receive email updates click on link above
> If you live, as I do, in a capitalist society, in which the essential
> function of the mass media is to disorient, distract and divide in the
> class interests of a tiny corporate elite (and to sell advertising
> space), imagine if you opened the paper and read, over your morning
> coffee, a commentary like Luis Sexto's below. You'd no doubt stare in
> disbelief and wonder if, by some magical device, you'd woken up in a
> kinder, saner society.
> Despite material constraints and much room for improvement, the basic
> function of Cuba's revolutionary press is to orient and inform.
> Increasingly, it is also to provoke and facilitate the striving for
> consensus on how to carry through the urgent and necessary renovation
> of Cuba's embattled socialist project. Such a consensus would be
> unthinkable in capitalist Australia where the social domination of a
> parasitic bourgeoisie rests on the political atomisation of the
> working people; where meaningful participation in politics has been
> reduced to ticking a ballot paper once every few years for one or
> another gang of pro-corporate politicians.
> Participation in the construction of a new and better society, the
> subject of Sexto's profound reflection, is of no interest whatsoever
> to the staff writers of the tabloids and broadsheets of the capitalist
> world. All they care about is sustaining the appearance, the fiction,
> of participation. That the masses believe in the illusion of democracy
> is what counts. In revolutionary Cuba it's the opposite: what matters
> is the substance of participation, since without an ever-greater real
> participation of the broad masses, not only in the carrying out of the
> tasks of the Revolution but in deciding what those tasks will be,
> there can be no progress towards socialism.
> Sexto's subtle, lyrical prose is difficult to translate. I hope my
> attempt does justice to the original.
> Link to translation:
> http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/columnas/coloquiando/2010-12-30/por-uno-y-por-todos/
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