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NY Times January 7, 2011
Israeli Soldiers Kill Palestinian, 65, in His Bedroom

HEBRON, West Bank — Israeli soldiers shot and killed an unarmed
65-year-old Palestinian man in his bedroom in this tense city early
Friday, in what appeared to be a case of mistaken identity.

The man’s wife said he was sleeping and she was praying when soldiers
burst into the apartment before dawn, entered the bedroom and
immediately opened fire. Afterward they asked her for his identity
card. She gave her account a few hours later, standing next to the
bed, whose mattress, sheets and pillows were soaked in blood. The
headboard, an adjacent wardrobe and the ceiling were also spattered
with blood and bits of what appeared to be brain matter.

The Israeli military expressed regret but offered no explanation
beyond saying that it had been carrying out an arrest operation. It
said the West Bank division commander had been ordered to carry out a
speedy investigation, with conclusions to be presented as early as
next week.

The soldiers were apparently looking for the dead man’s nephew, a
Hamas militant who was one of six released from a Palestinian
Authority prison on Thursday. He was staying in an apartment on the
floor below the slain man’s and was rearrested by the Israeli military
soon after the killing. Four of the other released militants were
arrested by the Israelis overnight as well.

Friday’s killing was the third death in the West Bank in a week for
which the Palestinians blamed the Israelis. Coming after a period of
relative calm, the deaths have added to fears of an escalation at a
time when Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are stalled. After noon
prayers on Friday, the alleyways around the man’s home seethed as
hundreds escorted the body from a nearby mosque for burial, chanting,
“In blood and spirit, we will redeem you, O martyr!”

Initial reports on Israeli radio suggested that the slain man, Omar
al-Qawasmeh, may have run at the soldiers, but the blood soaking the
bed and dotting the walls seemed to belie that. His wife, Subhiya Awad
al-Qawasmeh, said that the soldiers fired at her husband’s head and
upper body. She said they thought he was the nephew, Wael Bitar.

“They came to kill Wael,” she said.

The killing also heightened tensions between the authority, which the
West backs, and Hamas, its militant Islamist rival. Hamas accused the
Palestinian Authority of collaborating with Israel in the case and
bearing joint responsibility for the man’s death. The authority has
been reining in Hamas activists and militants in the West Bank since
the Islamist group, which won Palestinian parliamentary elections in
2006, seized full control of Gaza a year later. There, Hamas has
detained loyalists of Fatah, the dominant party of the authority.

In this case, the authority had just released Mr. Bitar and five
others who had been on a hunger strike. The Israeli military said that
Mr. Bitar was the assistant of the man who planned a suicide bombing
in the southern Israeli town of Dimona in February 2008, in which an
Israeli woman was killed. The military also said that Mr. Bitar
planned several other suicide attacks that were thwarted, and that he
had been arrested by Palestinian forces in September 2008. Mr. Bitar’s
wife, Sanaa, said he had been on a hunger strike for 43 days to
protest his continued detention without charge or trial. She said that
a Palestinian Authority court had ordered his release a while ago.
She, too, blamed the Palestinian Authority for Mr. Qawasmeh’s death.

Palestinian officials in the West Bank said such statements only
served to remove responsibility from Israel, and suggested that the
six had been kept in Palestinian custody for their own safety. Gen.
Adnan Damiri, a spokesman for the Palestinian security forces, said
that the authority had made it clear before their release that Hamas
would have to bear responsibility for protecting them from Israeli
forces, according to the official Palestinian news agency, Wafa.

The other recent deaths include the case of a Palestinian woman, 36,
who died last Saturday after inhaling tear gas on the sidelines of a
protest the day before in the West Bank, according to her family and
Palestinian medical officials.

Initially, Israeli military officials anonymously raised questions
about whether those accounts were fabricated; Friday brought the first
official comment. The army commander in the West Bank, Brig. Gen.
Nitzan Alon, was quoted by Haaretz as saying the woman probably died
not from tear gas but from other medical “complications, combined with
problems in the medical care she received at the Palestinian

On Sunday, Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian man as he
approached a checkpoint in the northern West Bank. The military said
that he was holding a glass bottle, and that he had approached the
checkpoint in an unauthorized lane and failed to heed orders to stop.

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