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Cathie Black and the Demise of Public Education

Saturday 08 January 2011

by: Christopher Lawrence, t r u t h o u t | News Analysis

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The appointment of Cathie Black - the Hearst magazine executive with zero
education experience - as New York City schools chancellor is further
evidence of the complete collapse of the 20th century model of liberal
public education in the US. The cynical compromise between Mayor Bloomberg
and his liberal opponents to appoint an educator as deputy chancellor only
serves to highlight the obvious message: education is a business that is too
lucrative in these difficult times to leave to teachers and communities. It
now seems inevitable that we will move to a dual education system not seen
since the days of legal segregation, with minorities and the poor shuttled
through a system of for-profit institutions emphasizing standardized
testing, uniform lessons and rote learning.

It is remarkable how quickly the liberals caved. Maybe this is because of
the way pro-business education reformers co-opted the traditional liberal
discourse of equality and civil rights. Or maybe it's the money. It is
heart-warming to see the captains of industry, hedge fund managers and
politicians across the political spectrum lining up to bankroll an attempt
to level the playing field for the poor. This equalization is a noble cause,
and one that is difficult to criticize. Unfortunately, it is also a scam.
Once again, the rich are preying on the hopes of the poor in order to
further their monopoly on wealth and power. The education reforms enshrined
in the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), like charter schools, increased
testing and subcontracted tutoring and provided a huge opening for private
education entrepreneurs, even as public school budgets are repeatedly
slashed. If anyone had any doubts about the true intentions of these
corporate conquistadores, the announced departure of current New York City
schools chancellor Joel Klein to Murdoch's News Corp in order to pursue
opportunities in the "education marketplace" makes clear their objectives.

School reformers focus on the racial "achievement gap" as a source of social
inequality. This is naive at best and a red herring at worst, distracting us
from the real causes and remedies of inequality. Education, in itself, is
neither a cause nor a solution to the systemic problems of racism and
poverty in the US. The promise to prepare all students for college seems
admirable, until one realizes that the "colleges" where most students are to
be sent are for-profit diploma mills where students graduate, if at all,
with high debts and few prospects of a well-paying job. As for charter
schools, a recent
that more fail than succeed. Those that do are invariably the
beneficiaries of generous private grants that guarantee funding at much
higher levels than those of regular public schools. No matter. The
attraction of charters continues as poor people, accustomed to the indignity
of lining up for lottery tickets, continue to hope for that lucky break.
When reformers promise us that "every child can succeed," they are
trafficking in cheap platitudes. True success would involve a redistribution
of wealth, the creation of decent jobs and a commitment to real equality.

But to think of these reforms in terms of education misses the point. Their
real goals are cutting costs and increasing profits. Education reforms have
been marketed by demonizing public school teachers and their unions. As
systemic inequality and unemployment grow, teachers have become the
scapegoats for an economic system in crisis. Demands are growing for an end
to job security and other benefits and the firing of teachers based on poor
student test scores, despite the fact that the most relevant variable in
test scores is poverty, not teaching. In charter schools, these problems
have been addressed through increased "productivity" (such as longer teacher
hours for less pay) and the elimination of job security and benefits. Many
charters do not even offer teachers a pension.
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