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*Why does health care in **Cuba** cost 96% less than in the **US**?: * Life expectancy of about 78 years of age in Cuba is equivalent to the US. Yet, in 2005, Cuba was spending US$193 per person on health care, only 4% of the $4540 being spent in the US. Where could the other 96% of US health care dollars be going? http://links.org.au/node/2082<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et=1104247482779&s=109652&e=001hvayathXBtxTboOEZwEhYKW9yZxE7v8Aj-lclLzpLMG_jer5PTYg2p3yblvDxqpDcPJvNr47v-APh0LCO6JpuGWokcKsE8Fmlfg-b3c4g3aUhDTSE7WMMMC2K2_3bdMy> ________________________________________________ Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at: http://lists.econ.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/archive%40mail-archive.com