Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Apologies, my last post should have had the above new headline.

On 17/01/2011 11:12 PM, glparramatta wrote:
> Just added to http://links.org.au/node/2101
>     Tunisia: The 9 points of the Workers Communist Party
> January 15, 2010 -- *Tunisia Solidarity Campaign 
> <http://tunisiasolidarity.wordpress.com/2011/01/17/tunisia-the-9-points-of-the-wcpt/>,
> *translated from Arabic by *Nadim Mahjoub*
> 1. The success achieved so far is only half of the way and the other 
> half is achieving the wanted democratic change and implementing it on 
> the ground.
> 2. The democratic change cannot spring from the same party, the 
> figures, the institutions, the apparatuses and the legislations that 
> maintained the dictatorship and deprived the people from basic rights 
> for more than half a century, 23 years of which under Ben Ali.
> 3. The interim president is one of Ben Ali’s clique and a president of 
> an appointed body which does not represent the people in any aspect 
> whatsover, and the plan to hold presidential elections in a 60-day 
> time has no purpose but to maintain the continuation of the 
> dictatorial regime through one of its former leaders.
> 4. The most dangerous of what could happen now is robbing the Tunisian 
> people of their victory and their legitimate ambitions for freedom and 
> a diginified existence and sacrifices through preserving Ben Ali’s 
> regime without Ben Ali and through forming a democratic decor around it.
> 5. The democratice change, with its political, economical, social and 
> cultural dimensions, requires a real end of the repressive regime by 
> taking a direct step which consists of forming a provisional 
> government or any other body that has excecutive powers and undertakes 
> the task of organising free elections for a Constitutional Assembly 
> which would establish the bases of a real democratic republic in which 
> people would enjoy freedom, social equality and national dignity.
> 6. All the forces, whether they are political organisations, unions, 
> human rights groups, cultural organisations, organised or 
> non-organised and the people, who have played an effective and 
> decisive role in toppling the dictator, have the task to decide on 
> Tunisia’s future, and no one could replace them in their negotiations 
> or contatcs with the authority.
> 7. It is of a high urgency that the democratic forces form a national 
> and unified body to carry out the democratic change and has the tasks 
> to protect the gains of the revolting Tunisian people and to negociate 
> with the authorities to yield power to the people in a peaceful way
> 8. All the democratic forces all over the coutry have to unite in 
> organisations, committees, or local, regional and sectorial councils 
> in organising the popular movement and to undermine the manoeuvre of 
> reaction and the acts of looting and vandalism perpetrated by hidden 
> groups aiming at spreading fear among the citizens, threatening their 
> safety and scaring them of a democratic change to compel the people to 
> surrender to the repressive apparatuses.
> 9. The armed forces, which consists in the main of the sons and 
> daughters of the people are required to provide safety for the people 
> and the motherland and respect people’s aspirations towards freedom, 
> social jutice and national dignity, which requires lifting the state 
> of emergency as soon as possible so that it doesn’t become an excuse 
> that prevents the Tunisian people from continuing their struggle and 
> achieving their goals.
> For a provisitional government
> For a constitutional assembly
> For a democratic republic
> Hamma Hammami
> Workers Communist Party of Tunisia
> http://www.albadil.org/

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