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I am trying to give my help from my workplace. But if a lesson is to
be learnt, comrades, it is that no revolution can be fuieled from
abroad. We all hope that the Tunisian insurrection has replies the
Arab world over (but how will things evolve?) but I am afraid that
there is little we can do to help. Unless we go there, choose a
political group we consider similar to our views, and humbly offer our
backs to hold the heavy load of the grey everyday task of making a

2011/1/16 Manuel Barrera <mtom...@hotmail.com>:
> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> Greg said:" The writer of this piece is a frequent commentator on Middle 
> East."
> Unfortunately, Saikal, almost buries his most important observation: "Ben 
> Ali's overthrow may inject new energy into opposition forces across the Arab 
> world. Egypt is most vulnerable." The clear promise of Tunisia is in the 
> chance that the Arab people's will indeed follow suit throughout the 
> diaspora. These events have the potential not only to "inject new energy" but 
> to reinvigorate the mass movements that grew just two years ago in Iran and 
> bring new hope to the Palestinian Intifada. What would be of significant 
> importance is if the Latin American leaderships were to extend their hands to 
> the Tunisian peoples and bring a widespread wave of solidarity. Comrades on 
> this list, especially in the areas of recent mobilization (France, U.K., la 
> América Latina?) have unique opportunities now. It will be interesting and 
> hopeful to see if Cuba will reach out. For all the rest of us--Solidarity!
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Néstor Gorojovsky
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