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NY Times January 18, 2011
Tunisia Unrest Stirs Passions Across North African Region

TUNIS — Passions unleashed by the revolution here continued to
resonate across the region on Tuesday as a man in Cairo set himself
ablaze, the latest apparent imitation of the self-immolation that set
off the Tunisian uprising a month ago.

On Monday, an Egyptian and a Mauritanian became the fifth and sixth
North Africans to burn themselves. On Tuesday, security officials in
Cairo said an Egyptian man, seemingly inspired by events in Tunisia,
set himself on fire outside the prime minister’s office in the center
of the Egyptian capital.

Reuters said the man was a 40-year-old lawyer named Mohamed Farouk
Hassan who shouted slogans against rising prices before setting
himself alight. The man’s medical condition was not immediately clear.

A day earlier, Abdo Abdel Moneim, a 50-year-old Egyptian restaurant
owner, poured a gallon of gasoline over his head and set himself
ablaze outside the Parliament building in downtown Cairo. Around the
same time in Mauritania, Yacoub Ould Dahoud was setting fire to
himself in his parked car near Parliament in Nouakchott.

And on Sunday, Senouci Touat of Mostaganem, Algeria, 34 and
unemployed, set himself on fire in his hometown, the fourth attempted
self-immolation in his country since the Tunisian street revolt
exploded in furious demonstrations in recent days. And while there
were no immediate signs that their actions inspired widespread
protests, as the victims all apparently intended, the immolations
stood as gruesome testimony to the power of the Tunisian example.

In Tunis, the fight was far from over. More than a thousand protesters
swarmed once again onto the city’s main artery, Bourguiba Boulevard,
in what they described as an effort to sustain their revolution, this
time in a battle pitting the small group of recognized opposition
leaders against the masses in the streets.

Taking aim for the first time at the newly formed unity government,
the protesters raged against the domination of the new cabinet by
members of ousted President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali’s ruling party.
“Citizens and martyrs, the government is still the same,” they
chanted. “We will protest, we will protest, until the government

The strains on the new cabinet seemed ever more apparent as, The
Associated Press reported, at least three opposition ministers quit
the new unity government on Tuesday, threatening the stability of
Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi’s nascent coalition, even as he
sought to defend it.

In a radio interview, Mr. Ghannouchi insisted that ministers in the
new government carried over from the former regime “have clean hands
and great competence.” Speaking to the French Europe 1 broadcaster as
he struggled to convince protesters in the streets that the unity
cabinet would oversee a real transition after the bloodshed of the
uprising, he promised on Tuesday that “all those who initiated this
massacre, this carnage will be brought to justice.”

He insisted that the army had not fired live rounds since a state of
emergency was declared shortly before Mr. Ben Ali fled into exile in
Saudi Arabia on Friday. “My first instruction to the security forces
was to not fire on the population. You can use tear gas or rubber
bullets. It is better to pay with our lives rather than create

“Today there is a new era of liberty which you can see on the
television, in the street, a new spirit completely different from what
prevailed in the past,” he said. But he declined to say whether the
new government would seek to bring Mr. Ben Ali to trial, deflecting
the question by blaming the self-enrichment of his entourage — an
apparent reference to the former president’s wife and her relatives.
“They will have a fair trial,” Mr. Ghannouchi said. “And if they are
guilty, they will be brought to justice.”

On the streets on Monday, protesters called for the complete
eradication of the old ruling party, while complaining that outlawed
parties like the once powerful Islamist groups or the Tunisian
Communists — battle-scarred stalwarts of the long dissident fight
against Mr. Ben Ali’s 23-year-rule — were still barred from

“Nothing has changed,” said Mohamed Cherni, 47, a teacher who said he
had been tortured by Mr. Ben Ali’s police force. “It is still the same
regime as before, and so we are going to keep fighting.”

But it was not clear exactly who spoke for the street protesters, and
the old guard of the opposition struggled to convince protesters that
the new government would implant democracy while still maintaining
basic order and governance. It was not going to be an easy task in a
new government in which Mr. Ghannouchi, the prime minister, and the
newly named ministers of interior, foreign affairs, defense and
finance were all members of the ruling party.

Around folding tables in a run-down office a few flights up from the
throngs in the streets, Ahmed Najib Chebbi, leader of the largest and
most credible legal opposition party, the Progressive Democratic
Party, tried to his sell his members on the unity government. Like
other opposition leaders, Mr. Chebbi had received a relatively minor
post, secretary of regional economic development.

As he urged patience, an angry party veteran wearing a suit and tie
shouted Mr. Chebbi down. “The people, who bled and died for us and our
children, need to decide!” the man said, accusing Mr. Chebbi of
settling too cheaply for a partnership with a prime minister whom he
accused of complicity in murder under Mr. Ben Ali. “How can the
murderer be our leader today?” Several around the room cried, while
Mr. Chebbi sat solemnly resting his chin in his hand.

Opposition leaders included in the new government said the revolution
had collided with reality. After 23 years of Mr. Ben Ali’s one-party
dictatorship, it was impossible to find qualified officials outside
the party who could take the reins of government quickly enough to
stabilize the country and hold free elections.

“We have the choice of three possibilities,” said Ahmed Bouazzi, a
member of the executive committee of the Progressive Democratic Party.
“The first choice is the complete chaos of Somalia, the second choice
is a military coup after a savior comes to rescue us from the chaos
and lasts for 23 years, and the third possibility is working with the
people who are in charge of the state right now to prepare fair

He argued that the members of the ruling party remaining in the
cabinet were relatively less culpable for the repression and
corruption that provoked the uprising against Mr. Ben Ali. “We asked
that the figures who had on their hands the blood of the Tunisian
people or their pockets full of the money of the Tunisian people
should be left out,” he said, “and we achieved this.”

The government, meanwhile, scrambled for credibility. Mr. Ghannouchi
declared the end of Tunisia’s suffocating propaganda and censorship
machine. He pledged to release all political prisoners and to
recognize the banned Communist and Islamic parties, as well as hold
free, internationally monitored elections within six months.

Separately, in an extraordinary televised plea for calm — in the Ben
Ali government, officials never explained themselves — the interior
minister offered a public accounting of the death toll so far in the
month of protests, including 78 demonstrators dead and nearly 100
wounded along with unspecified additional police casualties. He said
the unrest had cost the Tunisian economy more than $2 billion.

“We will thank the people who fought for freedom and helped the
country during the crisis, but we will also punish all the criminals
who have terrorized us,” said the interior minister, Ahmed Friaa. “Yes
to democracy, yes to freedom and no to chaos.”

In the streets, the Tunisian revolution continued to evolve. It began
in the hard-pressed provinces with demands for more jobs, especially
for Tunisia’s soaring number of young college graduates, nearly a
third of whom are estimated to be unemployed or seriously
underemployed. It spread to the workers, small business owners and the
coastal professional class as a revolt mainly against the flagrant
corruption associated with Mr. Ben Ali’s family.

But on Monday, the protesters in the streets appeared more working
class, including some hardened, veteran dissenters abused by Mr. Ben
Ali’s government. Off the streets, some Tunisian professionals who
last week had railed against Mr. Ben Ali’s government said they were
excited by the new government’s prudent first steps. But the
demonstrators sang the national anthem and talked broadly of new
“freedom” and the complete elimination of Mr. Ben Ali’s party.

As exiled leaders of the once-thriving Islamic political party here
raced home, Tunisians debated what to do with the Islamist parties. At
a makeshift barricade of overturned barrels and corrugated steel
erected by a citizens watch group seeking to defend against looters in
the neighborhood of Kram, opinions were divided. An older man brought
up the subject. “We ask for the Islamists not to be excluded,” he
said, giving only his first name, Habib.

An informal poll of more than a dozen young men gathered there
produced uniform agreement, yet few here dare criticize the Islamists
openly. A few moments later one of them, Khereddine Boulabyare, said
quietly: “The one good thing Ben Ali did was to crush the Islamists.”

Everyone in the crowd said their neighborhood had been terrorized the
night before by rooftop snipers, a problem in several neighborhoods.
Many believed the gunmen to be former personal guards loyal to Mr. Ben

But Hissin Mraihi, a 38-year-old man armed with only a golf club, said
he was undaunted as he prepared to stand watch Sunday night. “We are
going to get freedom and we are going to get democracy,” he said. “And
we are going to continue to fight for it and to express ourselves.”

Mona El-Naggar contributed reporting from Cairo, and Alan Cowell from London.

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