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On 20/01/2011 23:20, Dan wrote:
> Those Marxists who oppose antisemitism ALSO oppose the barbaric and idiotic 
> laws
> found in Judaism. 

Yet, Dan, you were the one who complained that one could not oppose
Islamophobia without also curtailing your right to criticise religion. 
Now that you recognise how absurd the corollary of your argument is,
perhaps you might take the step of reconising how absurd your original
complaint was.

> How is it a "corollary of my argument" that the term "antisemitism" is just a
> "cover for letting Jews have the run of things" ? Do you even understand my 
> argument ?

Better than you do, evidently.  You may recall that your argument was
that criticism of Islamophobia, even the use of the term, was a means of
preventing criticism of Islam and allowing "faith-based organizations to
regulate the way people live" and stone "adulteresses" to death.  Or, to
put it another way, criticism of Islamophobia is a way of letting
Muslims have the run of things.  The logical corollary would be that
criticism of antisemitism is, similarly, a way of letting Jews have the
run of things.  Since you don't like that corollary, since you reject it
(as I knew you would), perhaps you would be good enough not to be a
hypocrite and reject your own absurd argument.

> Again, some Muslims will use the term "Islamophobic" to shame those who are 
> against a certain conception of 
> Islamic interference in secular matters.

This is only tangentially relevant to the discussion.  Your objection
was not to the *misuse* of the term 'Islamophobia', but to the *use* of
the term as such.  That, by accepting that the term can be misused, you
now at least tacitly accept that there can be correct uses of the term,
is a step forward.

But you will never stop being confused by this issue so long as you
continue to be stuck in a colonial way of seeing things, in which your
problems (in this case, your right to criticise Islam as a religion)
come before the problems of the oppressed, now matter how much more
grave theirs are than yours.  I'm afraid that this spurious victimology
of yours adverts the French Left's longstanding failure to engage
appropriately with the legacy of the French empire and its legitimising
ideologies - viz. 'republicanism' for the Left, Catholic crusades for
the Right.  The empire in North Africa consistently denigrated Islam in
terms of much the same dehumanising tropes that are common currency
today, and the Left at the time collaborated not only in that
denigration but also in the massacres that such denigration existed to
justify.  Notwithstanding a brief period of tiers-mondisme among a
minority on the far left, there has been next to no effort to come to
terms with this and overcome its legacy.  This failure has been
responsible lately for allowing the French state pass laws that target
and vilify Muslim women in a way that is both racist and deeply
misogynistic, without any serious opposition from within white society. 
It has also, incidentally, weakened the French Left by allowing Sarkozy
to bail himself out of political crises by directing the fire toward
Islam.  That white leftists can complain that anti-racism in some sense
oppresses them, while also evincing total ignorance of the wider
phenomenon to which anti-racism objects, shows how deep those traditions
of colonial supremacism still run.

*Richard Seymour*

Writer, blogger and PhD candidate

Email: leninstombb...@googlemail.com

Website: http://www.leninology.blogspot.com

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/leninology

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Seymour_(writer)

Book 1: http://www.versobooks.com/books/307-the-liberal-defence-of-murder

Book 2:

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