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Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 11, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Stan Goff

On my 19th birthday, I departed McChord Air Force Base for Vietnam.

I was told I was going to fight for democracy there. The people back home were being 
told the same thing.

I found the truth was substantially different.

On the ground, we waged war not for democracy, but against the entire Vietnamese 
people. It cost billions of dollars and 58,000 American lives--as well as over 
3,000,000 lives among the people of Southeast Asia--before we discovered that we had 
been manipulated by a vvast military-industrial complex, a compliant press, and 
cynical political demagogues.

In 1996, I retired from 3rd Special Forces after having participated in my last 
massive deception of the people of the United States--again allegedly to protect 
democracy--in Haiti.

They are doing it again. The people of the United States are being led down the garden 
path in Colombia.

Under cover of the "fight against communism," we surrendered trillions of dollars from 
our national treasury to support criminals: Jonas Savimbi in Angola, Roberto 
D'Aubuisson in El Salvador, Augusto Pinochet in Chile, Suharto in Indonesia, Romeo 
Lucas Garcia in Guatemala, Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam, Fran‡ois Duvalier in Haiti and so 

Our treasury also supported drug traffickers. The Central Intelligence Agency trained, 
equipped and financed the opium empires of the Golden Triangle, the narcotics-financed 
Chinese Nationalists, the Corsican Mafia, the Sicilian Mafia, the U.S. Mafia, 
Afghani-Pakistani heroin traders, the drug kings of the bloodthirsty Guatemalan G-2, 
key members of Mexico's Guadalajara Cartel, the cocaine-financed Contras of Nicaragua, 
drug traffickers with the Peruvian National Intelligence Service (SIN), the so-called 
Kosovo Liberation Army--a Balkan criminal network responsible for over 20 percent of 
Europe's heroin imports--and the Cali drug cartel in Colombia.

These activities were undertaken in every case to protect capitalist profits. They 
still are.

The profound irony--or the profound deception--is that the justification for U.S. 
military escalation in Colombia is a war on drugs.

The House of Representatives has already approved a $1.7-billion "aid package" for 
Colombia. The lion's share of that "aid" is for the Colombian military.

To sell this "aid" to the people here, we are being told that the U.S. Special Forces 
already training Colombia's armed forces are there to "assist in the counter-narcotics 

I was on one of those teams in Colombia in 1992, with the same story. It was a lie 
then, and it is a lie now.


We were explicitly told that due to political sensitivities, any discussion of the 
mission to Colombia-- like all missions going down from 7th Special Forces--was to be 
represented as part of the counter-narcotics effort.  This  was not a directive to 
clarify our mission, but to clarify how we were to represent the mission.

What we conducted was counter-insurgency training.

We were based at Tolemaida, the Peruvian Special Forces base. The troops we trained 
not only did not attempt to hide their mission--to prosecute the war against Marxist 
guerrillas--they were deployed to conduct operations on the weekend breaks.

The Colombian Army was losing ground. Their officers were corrupt; many involved 
themselves in drug traffic. There was racism in the ranks directed at Indigenous and 
Afro-Colombian troops.

Their long-standing record of abuses against civilians had earned fear and hatred from 
the people. Many of the officers--while physically tough and full of bravado--were 
incompetent planners and uninspiring leaders.

Anyone who knows the history of Vietnam will remember that a similar situation existed 
in South Vietnam after the United States took the role of colonial overseer. Ngo Dinh 
Diem, hand-picked by the United States, exercised tenuous control over a hodge-podge 
of corrupt military factions, each representing different interests.

President Andres Pastrana of Colombia finds himself in much the same situation today.

Our job was to begin teaching the fundamentals of night patrolling and the integration 
of infantry operations with heliborne infiltration and extraction. A previous team of 
specially trained American chopper pilots had just finished teaching their Air Force 
rotor-wing pilots how to operate at night.

The subject of every tactical discussion with Colombian planners was how to fight 
guerrillas, not drugs.

The U. S. military is involving itself in a civil war.
People who remember Vietnam should find this very familiar.

It began with a decision by the president, the national security advisor, and the 
secretary of defense not to "cede" Vietnam. The interests that drove that decision 
were manifold. McCarthyism's impact gave the decision momentum of its own. The 
strategic decision was actually about filling post-World War II colonial vacuums with 
American influence, and with protecting current and future investments in Asia.

In Colombia, the U.S. interest is regional as well.  Colombia sits in an oil- and 
mineral-rich region that includes Venezuela, Brazil and Ecuador, where populist and 
anti-imperialist movements are gaining strength. The United States sees Colombia as 
the front line against this current, and as a necessary foothold in the region.

John F. Kennedy won an uncomfortably close presidential election against Richard Nixon 
in 1960. Nixon relentlessly baited Kennedy for being "soft on communism." Now the fear 
is to be labeled "soft on drugs."

Washington propped up a doddering regime against a popular insurgency in Vietnam. 
Pastrana's administration is certainly being ripped apart by at least as many 
competing factions as Diem's.


Colombians perceive Pastrana as Washington's man. But he is under pressure to make a 
deal with the guerrillas to end the civil war. The guerrillas' demands for land 
reform, crop subsidies, social services and commodity price indexation are considered 
off-limits by the U.S.  administration.

Recent attacks against Pastrana by the U.S. capitalist press--usually a precursor to 
the U.S. foreign policy establishment dumping a client--should give the Colombian 
president pause. Hee should think of Diem, dead in the back of an armored personnel 
carrier after a coup directed by the U.S. government.

The Clinton administration is now requesting that the ceiling for U.S. military 
advisors in Colombia be raised from 100 to 170. That's just the way it happened in 

In Pastrana's July counter-offensive last year, U.S.  military pilots were flying 
active, direct-support tactical reconnaissance missions. One aircraft was lost, and 
the Department of Defense has been mute about the circumstances.

The Colombian military is intimately linked to networks of right-wing 
paramilitaries--death squads--that receive a large portion of their funding, apart 
from U.S. aid funneled through the Colombian military, frrom narcotics trafficking.

Right-wing chieftain Carlos Casta¤o has long been associated with the vestiges of the 
Cali drug cartel. His death squads in the north have assisted aggressive land grabs 
for companies like Occidental, Shell, BP and Texaco, as well as guarding the narcotics 
export infrastructure.  Conservative estimates put the number of death squad murders 
in the past decade above 25,000, and 1.2 million peasants have been displaced by 
right-wing violence.

This displacement by violence is directly supported by oil and mining companies and by 
big landowners. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known as FARC-EP, are the 
only force in the region that protects now-landless peasants from further violence. 
Direct army complicity demonstrates to peasants that they are being attacked by their 
own government on behalf of foreign investors.

They see the guerrilla struggle, then, in the same terms that the Vietnamese National 
Liberation Front did--a fight against colonial rule enforced by the Colombian military 
and paramilitary as colonial surrogates.

Between the military and the paramilitary, whose operations and intelligence 
apparatuses were merged under CIA direction in 1991, Colombian forces are now 
committing the most massive human-rights violations in this hemisphere. Said Carlos 
Salinas, Amnesty International's advocacy director for Latin America and the 
Caribbean, who is generally no advocate for the revolutionaries: "If you liked El 
Salvador, you're going to love Colombia. It's the same death squads, the same military 
aid, and the same whitewash from Washington."

Drug czar and former SOUTHCOM Army Commander Barry McCaffrey recently spilled the 
beans: "[Operations in Colombia are] to recover the southern part of the country."


While the U.S. government provides direct and indirect support to elements in Colombia 
that profit most from the drug trade, it has launched a tidal wave of disinformation 
attempting to portray Colombian guerrillas as drug traffickers. Even President 
Pastrana himself, also no friend of the Colombian insurgents, and former U.S.  
Ambassador to Colombia Miles Frechette say there is no evidence to support such a 

The demonization of this 35-year-old popular insurgency is manufactured by the CIA and 
uncritically regurgitated by the U.S. mainstream press.

Guerrillas tax agricultural production, including coca.  That's not drug trafficking. 
The increased production of coca by peasants has been decried by FARC leader Manuel 
Marulanda, who has long demanded that the government initiate a program for crop 

Increased coca production by peasants is directly related to forced dislocations by 
the right-wing paramilitaries.  U.S. intelligence estimates, which are probably high, 
say the FARC levies taxes on coca amounting to around $30 million a year. Since the 
FARC is now administering a large area of the country, this is not a lot of money.

The net profit from coca in Colombia is believed to be around $5 billion a year. This 
means the "narco-guerrillas," a term McCaffrey shakes like an evil fetish in front of 
Congress, are pulling in a whopping six-tenths of a percent of the gross--from growers 
only, who have little choice of crop.

Former CIA officer Ralph McGehee says: "In Colombia today we attack `narco guerrillas' 
or `narco Communists' or `narco terrorists,' as we quickly slide into the Latin 
version of the Vietnam quagmire. Does ... intelligence recognize or reflect this--of 
course not."

According to McGehee, a highly decorated CIA veteran, "Disinformation is a large part 
of [the CIA's] covert action responsibility, and the American people are the primary 
target audience of its lies."

As a veteran of a number of U.S. adventures--Vietnam, Guatemala, El Salvador, Grenada, 
Somalia, Peru, Colombia and Haiti--I have come to agree. Some will say that by takking 
this position, I am supporting the FARC. They would be right.

Imperialism is the enemy of us all, and the FARC is on the front lines against 
imperialism. It's very simple to an old soldier. Remember Vietnam!

[Stan Goff is a retired Special Forces master sergeant and
author of "Hideous Dream: Racism and the U.S. Army in the
Invasion of Haiti," a book to be released this fall by
Softskull Press about the 1994 U.S. military intervention
in Haiti, in which he participated. He lives in Raleigh,

                         - END -

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