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Russia Holds Military Parade on Victory Day

Russia held a grand military parade Tuesday morning in Moscow's Red Square to 
celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Soviet victory over Nazism in the Great 
Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Newly inaugurated Russian President Vladimir Putin and his predecessor Boris Yeltsin 
inspected the military parade, which was staged at 10:00 a.m. Moscow time (0700 GMT).

Addressing the troops participating in the military parade, Putin congratulated all 
Russian citizens, particularly servicemen and veteran soldiers, on the victory of the 
55th anniversary of the war over Nazism during World War II.

"Years will pass, but the memory of the Great Patriotic War will continue to inspire 
all those living, and give a warning to those who have chosen terror and violence as 
their main weapon," Putin said.

He told the war veterans that "the habit of being winners is in our blood."

"It guarantees military victories and will help us in the peace time, assist our 
generation in building a strong and prosperous country, and raise high the Russian 
banner of democracy and freedom."

"Our people have gone through many wars. We therefore know the price of peace.  We 
know that peace means -- above all, a strong economy and well-being of the people -- 
the basic components of Russia's internal and external strength, and of its defense 
capability and security. We shall pass this main military secret over to our 
children," the Russian president said.

Putin said the Victory Day is also being celebrated in the countries of the 
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), calling World War II veterans from CIS 
countries as "brothers and sisters.".

"We all have the same memories of the battles which led to victory, and the joy of 
victory. Together we defended peace, foiled attempts to redraw history, saved our vast 
Soviet Motherland, preserved our country's independence and made the decisive 
contribution to the victory over fascism," he said. "Our army has always been and will 
forever remain an army of the people. Our soldiers are forging victories not only by 
their weapons, but also by their spirit which help overcome all trials, preserve 
conscience and honor, and pride for our past and future, and for the national dignity 
of the great power. That was, is and will be so," Putin stressed.

The event is also being attended by State Duma Chairman Gennady Seleznyov, chief of 
presidential staff Alexander Voloshin, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and other officials, 
including former president of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev.

Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev reviewed the parade, with chief of the Moscow 
military district Col. Gen. Puzanov as the parade commander. By tradition, the two 
military leaders congratulated the troops which stand in blocks in the Red Square.

About 6, 000 servicemen and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, including veterans 
from CIS countries and the Baltic republics, took part in the Victory Parade. Ahead of 
each marching column, the banners of the fronts, used during the Victory Parade in the 
Red Square in 1945, were carried.

The march of the veterans and servicemen, the president's speech and the playing of 
the national anthem lasted for about 60 minutes.

>From People's Daily Online, 10.05.2000

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