The FARC - Army of the People once again reject and condemn the Extradition 
 Treaty, part of a Neo-colonial practice that injures the sovereignty of our 
 country, signed with the United States of North America.
 Under the pretext of the war against drug trafficking, and with the servile 
 consent of the Colombian oligarchy, we are witnessing shameful actions by 
 the CIA, the DEA and gringo armed forces against nationals on our own 
 The New State to be built in Colombia must guarantee equal international 
 relations under the principles of NO INTERVENTION in domestic affairs of 
 other countries, with an effective judicial system that is sovereign.
 The Colombian people's struggle is above all patriotic.  This means that it 
 is anti-imperialist.  Thus the FARC - Army of the People maintain our 
 decision to confront any interventionist practice and call on the country to 
 intensify demonstrations against all imperialist policies that injure our 
 dignity and sovereignty.
 FARC - Army of the People
 "With Bolivar, for Peace and National Sovereignty"
 The Mountains of Colombia
 March 2000

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