----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 9:49 PM
Subject: [STOPNATO] Amrika slammed by UN pannel


UN: Halt US Electroshock Device Use
.c The Associated Press

GENEVA (AP) - Electroshock devices to restrain prisoners, ``excessively 
harsh'' prison conditions and police ill-treatment of civilians were cited by 
a U.N. human rights panel Monday in its first-ever report on torture in the 
United States. 

The U.N. Committee against Torture recommended that the government end the 
use of stun belts and restraint chairs, finding they ``almost invariably'' 
breach a torture convention ratified by the United States in 1994. 

In assessing federal and state compliance with the convention, the panel 
expressed concern over cases of abuse involving people arrested or imprisoned 
in the United States, and said ``much of this ill-treatment by police and 
prison guards seems to be based upon discrimination.'' 

The committee also voiced concern over ``the excessively harsh regime'' in 
prisons used for the most violent prisoners. 

The report follows a two-day session last week in which officials defended 
the United States. 

Cheryl Sim, a U.S. official, told the panel that the government would give 
the recommendations ``very close and careful consideration.'' Officials 
declined further comment. 

``We welcome the concern expressed by the committee,'' said Rob Freer of 
human rights group Amnesty International. 

``It's a strong message to the United States that once you ratify these 
treaties you have to do so in the same way that everybody else does.'' 

In a report to the committee released last week, Amnesty cited brutality, 
beatings and shootings by police officers, sexual abuse of female prisoners 
and cruel conditions in isolation units as violations of the torture 

The committee praised the United States for its ``extensive legal protection 
against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment,'' and for 
``the broad legal recourse to compensation for victims of torture.'' 

But it expressed concern that legal action by prisoners seeking redress ``has 
been significantly restricted ... under the Prison Litigation Reform Act'' of 

The panel called on the United States to enact a federal law making torture a 
crime in terms consistent with the convention. 

It said that female detainees are ``very often held in humiliating and 
degrading circumstances'' and expressed concern over alleged cases of sexual 
assault by law enforcement and prison officers. 

The committee also expressed concern over the use of chain gangs, in which 
prisoners perform manual labor while shackled together, and at keeping 
juveniles among the regular, adult prison population. 

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Harold Koh last week told the committee 
Washington is ``utterly committed'' to wiping out torture, but admitted its 
record is not perfect. 

Koh rejected claims that the United States set its own standards for deciding 
whether it had committed torture. The U.S. delegation also said electroshock 
devices were used only where the prisoner was a danger to himself or to 
others, and constituted ``effective tools for law enforcement.'' 

Freer said he was disappointed the U.N. panel had not addressed American use 
of the death penalty against offenders who were not yet 18 when they 
committed their crimes. 

A group of American activists called for stronger criticism of the death 

``The system doesn't self-correct,'' Sonia Jacobs, a former death row inmate 
who was eventually freed, told reporters. ``It self-protects.'' 

``It is a moral failure to sit in silence while we exterminate people,'' said 
Rick Halperin, a human rights professor at Southern Methodist University in 
Dallas. ``The United States must be held accountable for what we are 
doing.''AP-NY-05-15-00 1440EDT

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