Communist Web
Friday 19th May 2000 9.30pm gmt

Why Anti-science 'Falun Gong' Can Deceive Masses

Today when science and technology are highly developed, why are so many people still
baffled by anti-science "Falun Gong"? To find out the reasons from the angle of the
theory of knowledge is of most importance to getting a profound understanding of the
anti-scientific nature of "Falun Gong" and defending the dignity of science.

Each major progress achieved in science in the history of the development of human
society has brought a great leap in the process of social civilization. As a result,
enjoys a very high status in people's minds, the respect it has gained is unshakable.
social occupation for example. People show fairly high respect for scientists and
engineers, because from the launch of "A-bomb and H-bomb and man-made earth
satellite" to the invention and creation that have brought conveniences to people's
life were all products turned out by scientific and technological personnel. Taking
advantage of people's trust in and admiration for modern science, anti-science "Falun
Gong" also put up the banner of science, anti-science "Falun Gong" uses various kinds
pseudo-science and theistic things wrapped up under the name of science to deceive and
baffle people. In its nonsense talks about so-called Falun Dafa, it fabricates many
covering such fields as the celestial body of the universe, the evolutin of nature,
history of society, religion and culture and the physical and psychological health,
although all these are ungrounded irresponsible remarks, they have, to a certain
bluffed some people lacking the knowledge and attainment of science. Li Hongzhi also
made use of a small number of the scientific and technological personnel who were
ignorant of the facts and were deceived by him to hoodwink people, so that the masses
mistook "Falun Gong" as a genuine branch of science. This lesson has taught us that a
developed science does not mean the popularization and increase of general scientific
knowledge and a rise in scientific accomplishment. In the face of feudal superstition
pseudo-science wrapped up with modern science, our society should create a scientific
atmosphere strong enough to keep it from getting a foothold, and should make
attainment and scientific spirit become an important part of national quality.

Along with the development of science and technology, people are faced with an ever-
wider and deeper scope for knowing the world, the range of the unknown world is also
enlarging and the number of enigmas in sciences of a deeper level is increasing. The
unknown world is a driving force boosting the development of science and technology,
but in the meantime, it has given a chance to be exploited by pseudo-science. The
various kinds of conjecture and hypothesis about the unsolved riddles are the
processes and methods for scientific development. Owing to the limitation of personal
cognition, the general run of people, including many natural science researchers, have
failed to get a clear understanding of these guesses and hypotheses. Making use of
opening, the exponents of "Falun Gong" have peddled idealism and theism under the
pretext of answering enigmas in regard to the evolution of nature and physical health.
This is also...

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