Jon Corlett a écrit :

> Serbian Gov't Website is Seized -
> BBC Blames...the Serbs?
> by Jared Israel (4-14-00)
> Reprinted from
> CIA Announced Cyberwar Vs. Serbs Last Year
> "President Clinton has authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to look
> into ways to destabilize the [Yugoslav] government...The authorization comes
> in the form of a "finding," a highly classified document authorizing covert
> operations. The sources have told CNN that the finding authorizes the CIA to
> consider the use of computers to conduct cyberwar against Milosevic." (CNN:
> May 24, 1999)
> Some things are only to be expected. One is: whatever happens in the
> Balkans, we must blame the Serbs. Having undergone a decade of successful
> testing, this rule can now be extended. The Serbs must be blamed for
> anything that happens anywhere in the world.
> Or at least in the Worldwide Web.
> Case in point: a BBC story which appeared April 13th. The headline reads:
> Very often, I have found, Western news stories begin with a lie and end with
> something approximating truth. So with this BBC story.
> Here's a quote that appears three-quarters of the way through:
> "It is impossible to say exactly who the hackers are, or how they managed to
> breach databases that should be secure."
> Indeed.
> The story itself is slightly incomprehensible. As you will see when you read
> it, it appears to be talking about two different sets of events. The set of
> events related to the headline is this: apparently a number of websites
> whose domain names are registered with Network Solutions were taken over in
> the past few days. The Websites included some big companies (like Adidas) as
> well as a variety of Balkans sites including (KLA) and
> and (definitely not KLA). The only evidence the BBC
> offers to support the "Serb rampage" headline is: one or more of the hacked
> sites sported a Serbian Eagle emblem and the rather mild comment "Kosovo is
> Serbia. Be happy if we hacked your site because we only hack the best sites
> on the internet."
> The problem with the "the Serbs did it" line is: why then were Serbian sites
> also hacked? Indeed, as the BBC didn't bother to mention, the main Serbian
> government site - - was also hacked Wed. afternoon and
> Serbia-info is also registered with Network Solutions. And it didn't get an
> emblem and a harmless logo. It got an entire English presentation full of
> NATO-type propaganda, accusing the Serbian government of atrocities.
> There's another problem with the "the damn Serbs-did-it" line: The BBC story
> says the hackers forged email address identical to those of the hacked
> Websites and then transferred control of the various domain names to the
> hackers. Explains the BBC:
> "The contact addresses were at first transferred to a Yugoslav address, and
> then on Monday night to an Albanian address."
> Huh?
> Doesn't this suggest a KLA-type group did the hacking and tried to pin it on
> "the rampaging Serbs"?
> [Note: Since this story was written, the BBC has changed their line, not
> once but twice. First, they replaced the original story with a new one that
> softens the allegations against the Serbs. Most recently, they have posted a
> story which correctly portrays the Serbian websites as the victims.
> Unfortunately, the original Serb-bashing story was run on the front page of
> the BBC website, while the final story portraying the Serbs as victims does
> not appear on any main news page. It was only discovered by doing a deep
> search of the BBC site.]
> When the site was hacked, Eric Garris at
> spoke with Christine from the Media Relations Department at Network
> Solutions. She suggested that the hackers had emulated the email addresses
> of owners of various Websites and using those addresses, sent false
> messages, transferring the domain ownership over to the hackers.
> But there's a big problem with this explanation.
> As Garris noted, before a domain change can be processed, Network solutions
> has to send a confirmation email to the proper owner. So the hacker would
> not only have to emulate the email address when sending in the transfer
> request - a fairly easy task - he or she would have to intercept the Network
> Solutions confirmation message as well. This seems virtually impossible.
> This suggests something a good deal more sophisticated than amateur hackers.
> One possible explanation: this was a black ops move, orchestrated by the US
> government, which last May announced its intention to take the war to the
> Internet.
> Network Solutions is licensed by the US government and US intelligence
> organizations could easily gain access to the Network Solutions technical
> apparatus. The purpose: to disrupt the Serbian government Website and to set
> the stage for a media smear campaign about "Rampaging Serbs."
> Making these changes from within Network Solutions would be a snap. If this
> is what happened, it is a very serious matter indeed. Was the seizure of the
> Serbian site a trial balloon? And if so, who will be next?
> Below is the text of the altered domain registration information, which was
> posted at Network Solutions when was taken over by hackers,
> apparently from Pristina, in Kosovo. And below that we've posted the link to
> a statement from which sees the hacking of the Serbian
> government Website as part of the US assault on Yugoslavia.
> Here is the text of the false domain info taken from network Solutions on
> 4/13:
> Registrant: EPI (SERBIA-INFO-DOM) Sheshi Adem Jashari Prishtine, Kosove
> 38000 AL Domain Name: SERBIA-INFO.COM Administrative Contact, Technical
> Contact, Zone Contact, Billing Contact: Albodude, Domain (DAS649)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sheshi Adem Jashari Prishtine, 38000 AL 011 381 38 37 921
> (FAX) 011 381 38 37 921 Record last updated on 10-Apr-2000. Record expires
> on 29-Jul-2000. Record created on 28-Jul-1997. Database last updated on
> 12-Apr-2000 04:50:42 EDT. Domain servers in listed order:
> For the statement from, click here or go to
> Order the new video "Judgment"
> In 1992 the world was shocked by pictures of a supposed death camp run by
> the Bosnian Serb government. These pictures were distributed by ITN, the
> British news station. The worst - a faded black and white photo of an almost
> skeletal man, naked to the waist, apparently behind barbed wire - stuck in
> people's minds. These pictures convinced millions that the Serbs were the
> new Nazis.
> The pictures were fabricated - staged and edited to communicate a lie.
> "Judgment," the new documentary, proves it.
> The video relies on footage shot at the same time the 'death camp' shots
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