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Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 11, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper



With the arrogance only a true imperialist could display, U.S. Sen. John McCain said 
April 28 that "the wrong guys" won the Vietnam War. His comments, made during a highly 
publicized visit to Ho Chi Minh City, outraged the Vietnamese people and millions 

Vietnam Foreign Ministry spokesperson Phan Thuy Thanh responded: "Our people were the 
victims of [a] brutal war of aggression. . It runs counter to the norms of morality 
that these people who brought bombs and shells to sow death among our people and wreak 
havoc with a country now pass themselves off as having the right to criticize their 

McCain, a failed Republican presidential candidate, was a Navy pilot during the war. 
His father was a commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam. 

In 1967 McCain's A-4 plane was shot down while raining death on Hanoi, North Vietnam's 
capital. He was captured and imprisoned for much of the war. Despite his crimes, and 
despite his self-serving rhetoric while building his political career, McCain was 
treated as well as could be expected--as he admitted during a 1994 visit.

This year the socialist government magnanimously allowed war criminal McCain and his 
entourage to once again visit the country just as the Vietnamese people celebrated the 
25th anniversary of their just victory over U.S.  imperialism. 

McCain should have come on bended knee, begging forgiveness for his crimes against 
their homeland. Instead he came to defame the people's revolution and to glorify a war 
that, as Thanh noted, left three million Vietnamese dead and four million wounded.

Vietnam has struggled along a hard road since its reunification in 1975. Washington 
has refused to pay one cent in reparations for the horrendous damage caused by the 
war--flouting the Paris peace accords. The mostly-agricultural nation has tried to 
carry out socialist construction, but was hard hit by the loss of its economic 
partners in the USSR and Eastern Europe. 

Although a decades-long blockade has been officially lifted, Washington continues to 
look for ways to undermine Vietnam politically and economically. Trade talks between 
Hanoi and Washington have deadlocked because the Clinton administration wants to 
impose a yearly congressional "review" of Vietnam's status--similar to the 
restrictions it imposes on People's China.

McCain speaks for the ultra-right, militarist wing of U.S.  imperialism. But the whole 
capitalist class is united in wanting to return Vietnam--and all Third World countries 
that have achieved some measure of independence--to colonial status. Like Britain with 
Zimbabwe and its other former colonies, Wall Street will never stop trying to derail 
Vietnam's independent development. 

That's why the war against Vietnam--and Korea, Cuba, Iraq, Yugoslavia, etc.--is not 
over, even if the bullets have stopped flying.

Imperialist wars won't be over until major revolutionary upheavals in the U.S. and 
other centers of global capitalism take the weapons and political power away from the 
exploiting class, which is trying to turn the whole world into one big sweatshop.

                         - END -

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