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From: Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2000 3:06 PM
Subject: [STOPNATO] Message not deliverable



[Read the dangerous chest-thumping in the final
paragraph. If these lunatics aren't stopped they'll
get their 'big bang' indeed.] 

Nine Nations to Make Bid for NATO Membership
By William Drozdiak
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, May 20, 2000; Page A16 

VILNIUS, Lithuania, May 19 - Nine central and East
European countries banded together today and said they
would ask NATO to invite them all to become members in
2002, a "big bang" that would expand the alliance to
28 nations and include for the first time several
former Soviet republics. 

The declaration by the foreign ministers of the nine
new democracies - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia,
Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Albania and
Macedonia - was an unprecedented show of cooperation.
Now, NATO must figure out how to accommodate those
ambitions and whether a 28-nation grouping could reach
the kind of consensus on which the military alliance
has historically based its operations.

Besides the problems of adapting NATO's military
command and decision-making processes to a much larger
group, any expansion may pose a serious risk to
relations with Russia, which accepted the
incorporation of Poland, Hungary and the Czech
Republic into NATO last year with great reluctance.

Moscow has frequently warned that it will not tolerate
the inclusion of former Soviet republics Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania in NATO. President Vladimir Putin
has signed into law a new defense policy that
describes "the expansion of military alliances"
outside Russian borders as a threat to Russian
security interests; Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania all
border Russian territory.

But Lithuanian Foreign Minister Algirdas Saudargas,
who diplomats said was the driving force behind the
nine nations' "big bang" strategy, said the Baltic
states would no longer be cowed by Russia. He and
other ministers said that, contrary to Moscow's way of
thinking, NATO expansion would bring greater stability
along Russia's western frontier.

"Having experienced the consequences of political
indifference toward the fate of others far too often
in our own history, we are committed to defend these
values . . . of the Euro Atlantic community, including
a belief in individual liberty, the free market and
the rule of law," the ministers said in a statement.

"We are not only prepared for the responsibilities and
burdens of NATO membership, we are already
coordinating our defense structures and policies with
the Alliance," the statement said. "While each country
should be considered on its own merits, we believe the
integration of each democracy will be a success for us
all, and the integration of all our countries will be
a success for Europe and NATO."

In the United States, how to deal with the next wave
of NATO enlargement is emerging as one of the first
important foreign policy challenges of the next
administration. Both major presidential candidates,
Vice President Gore and George W. Bush, sent
encouraging letters to the meeting here today saying
they would do their best to fulfill the aspirations of
would-be member states.

Any plan to expand NATO will require ratification by
the legislatures of the 19 current members, including
a two-thirds majority of the U.S. Senate. This,
several foreign ministers said today, would argue in
favor of the "big bang" approach rather than
successive waves of smaller groups that could become
stalled in parliaments.

"We know our biggest challenge will be with the other
side of the Atlantic," Romanian Foreign Minister Petre
Roman said. "But now we are committed to going through
this process together."

Until now, the scramble to get in line for alliance
membership has resembled what Ron Asmus, the State
Department's former point man on NATO enlargement,
described as "an unseemly beauty contest" as each
candidate touted itself in ways that cast regional
rivals in an unflattering light.

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia - which enjoy strong
support from their Nordic neighbors - have claimed
that they possess the strongest democratic credentials
and would be easier for NATO to accept than their
southern rivals. But some NATO experts argue that the
alliance's air war in Kosovo and its large
peacekeeping force in the Balkans has proved that
NATO's primary threat is no longer aggression by
Russia but instability in southeastern Europe.

In the wake of the Kosovo war, Bulgaria, Romania,
Albania and Macedonia won lavish praise from NATO
commanders for their crucial support role. The
southern states have received fervent backing from
France, Italy and Spain, which want to see the
alliance shift its focus toward the Mediterranean.

The Vilnius accord, however, is designed to stop such
rivalry and make the case that NATO needs to make a
bold leap toward becoming a pan-European security
organization, reaching from the Baltic Sea to the
Black Sea. "This means we are no longer going our own
ways, but are determined to fight as a team to get
into NATO," said Slovenia's foreign minister, Dimitrij

Polish Foreign Minister Bronislaw Geremek, who
insisted his country wants to keep NATO's door open to
other eastern democracies, said the experience of
Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic shows that
"enlargement has strengthened, not weakened, the
alliance by increasing its role as a guarantor of
stability and security across the continent."

In an interview, Geremek said he believes it is vital
"to invite at least one, if not all three, Baltic
states" into the alliance in 2002 to prove that NATO
was not beholden to Russian demands.

"The question is: Does the West have the political
will to do what is good and right, even at the risk of
antagonizing Russia?" Geremek said. "Our strategy
should be peace and stability in Europe. Our goal
should not be limited to having only friendly
relations with Russia."

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