Jug Öster Solibeweg a écrit :

> Persecuted and expelled by UÇK, NATO and UNO
> Report of the solidarity delegation to the last multi-national part of
> Kosovo
> In early May a delegation of the Austrian–Yugoslav Solidarity Movement
> (JÖSB) came to Kosovska Mitrovica in order to
> a.      express our demand to free the political prisoners from UNMIK
> incarceration,
> b.      express our support to the remaining non-Albanians in the Ghetto of
> Kosovska Mitrovica
> c.      investigate the local situation without media manipulation.
> ****
> Pictures and a map of the demarcation line between the multi-national North
> and the albanised South can be found under: www.vorstadtzentrum.net/joesb
> ****
> Hunger strike of the political prisoners
> As reported in our declaration of April 24th, 2000, the event that triggered
> the decision for the hunger strike was the release of the Albanian Dzeljalj
> Ademi, who had injured 22 civilians and 14 KFOR soldiers in an anti-Serb
> hand-grenade attack, while the non-Albanian prisoners remain incarcerated
> for months without trial. The prisoners demand investigations for a trial.
> The most blatant case is a 16-year old boy who was arrested for genocide
> last summer.
> Another case worth mentioning is a Serb man called Jaksimovic from the
> vicinity of Orahovac, who was stopped by UNMIK at a road block. An Albanian
> whose hand had been injured by gunfire and who was at the site by chance,
> claimed that Mr Jaksimovic was the person who had injured him, and Mr
> Jaksimovic was immediately arrested by UNMIK soldiers. One of Mr Jaksimovic’
> s fellow travellers who is Albanian heard that the other Albanian was told
> by passers-by to point at “the guy with the beard” (i.e. Jaksimovic) and to
> claim that he was responsible.
> In general the accusations are completely arbitrary and politically
> motivated. The witnesses are arbitrarily selected and their testimonies are
> first of all determined by their loyalty to the aims of the UÇK (KLA), as
> the comport of the judges. The few Serb judges that had existed all
> resigned, because their personal safety could not be guaranteed. They also
> protested against the partiality of the UNMIK judicial system. The
> discrimination between Albanians and non-Albanians proves, that Serbs and
> Romanies are being held in prison for political and ethnical reasons and not
> for concrete offences of law—they are political prisoners of the UN.
> Two of the hunger strikers are in a critical state. One of them fell into
> coma. Nevertheless UNMIK does not allow doctors nor journalists to visit the
> prisoners. Now also relatives of the prisoners started a hunger strike. They
> organise daily protest manifestations in front of the prison, in which
> thousands of people participate. The JÖSB representative expressed his
> solidarity with the gathered crowd.
> As delegates of the aid organisation Humanitas we tried hard to get
> permission to see the prisoners. The local UNMIC police commander, Sven Erik
> Larson, actually told us that most accusations of the Serb and Romany
> prisoners against the UNMIK judiciary are justified. Nevertheless he did not
> grant us permission to visit the prisoners, but sent us to Pristina. In
> Pristina our demand was refused by Edita Ryan, who is the competent NGO
> liaison officer and who called Humanitas an organisation that illegally
> operates in Kosovo.
> We call upon everyone to join our campaign for the release of the political
> prisoners and to step up pressure on UNMIK by organising further visits to
> the prison of Kosovska Mitrovica.
> Kosovo impressions
> In fact the North of Kosovo which is not under UÇK control is the only
> multi-national part of Kosovo—even after the war. Here are some concrete
> examples:
> Kaplan Beruti in Svecan. The chief presiding judge of Kosovska Mitrovica,
> the Albanian Kaplan Beruti, who is actually responsible for the arbitrary
> incarceration of the Serbs and Romanies who went on hunger strike, is living
> in Svecan, north of Kosovska Mitrovica, a village that is predominantly
> Serbian—and he lives there without KFOR protection. His children go to a
> local school.
> Serb refugees in Albanian houses in Banjska: On the premises of this
> monastery in the northern mountains there are several week-end cottages
> owned by Albanians. Now Serb refugees from the South live in these houses.
> We asked about the former owners and were surprised to hear that they are
> living in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica and that they were even
> paid rent for these houses.
> Albanians in daily life: Asking several Serbs about the Albanian flats and
> houses in Kosovo Mitrovica that are under tight KFOR protection, we were
> always told that there is a significant difference between UÇK followers
> whose flats serve as UÇK bases, and Albanians who are loyal to Yugoslavia.
> The latter can live there without any problems.
> The impressions from the southern part of Kosovo are completely different.
> Destroyed Romany quarter: At the road from Kosovska Mitrovica to Pristina
> only 10–20% of the houses seem to be burnt. The Romany quarter of southern
> Kosovska Mitrovica is completely devastated, burnt down and razed to the
> ground. UÇK racist national ideology obviously was fully realised here.
> UNMIK official warns us of deadly danger: We went to the UNMIK office for
> NGOs in Pristina in order to obtain a permit to visit the prisoners of
> Kosovska Mitrovica. When the official in charge, Edita Ryan, saw our letter
> that was written in Cyrillic, she told us immediately that we must not show
> this letter to anybody, because this could be our death sentence—she also
> said that she was saying so “off records”. She even discouraged us to have
> it translated into English within Kosovo.
> Albanian taxi driver speaks Serbo-Croatian: Due to the many warnings we
> avoided speaking Serbian to the driver who brought us from Mitrovica to
> Pristina and back. When we realised that he was listening to Serbian radio
> and was cursing in Serbian, we started talking to him in Russian. He felt
> completely at ease speaking Serbian. When we got of the car, he urgently
> reminded us not to utter a single word of Serbian on the streets, because
> this was very dangerous.
> There is a system behind the persecution of non-Albanians
> The political and ethnic persecution of Serbs and Romanies by the UN
> judiciary is only the tip of the iceberg. NATO/UNO, based on the UÇK,
> actually formed a regime that oppresses and discriminates against all
> non-Albanians in order to finally expel them and to deprive the integrity of
> Yugoslavia of its demographical legitimacy. While UÇK and its successor
> organisation TMK respectively were demilitarised only very superficially
> (only heavy weapons), and there constantly are attacks against
> non-Albanians—these attacks claimed more than 1,000 lives since the
> beginning of the NATO occupation!—Serb forces were completely stripped of
> their weapons, thus depriving them of the ability for self-defence. This
> means a death sentence for many of those who are determined to stay, because
> due to “lack of capacity” they are not granted KFOR protection. Only the
> convoys of fleeing non-Albanians are granted protection.
> Re-settlement: Kouchner and other representatives of the so-called
> international community say that it is still to early to bring the
> non-Albanian refugees to the South of Kosovo; but at the same time in the
> North of Kosovska Mitrovica, KFOR is trying by means of force to bring
> Albanian refugees to their houses. There is proof that UÇK fighters are also
> infiltrated, brought to the North of Kosovska Mitrovica: There were sniper
> attacks from the three Albanian tall buildings that were recently
> re-settled.
> Elections: There is also proof that UNO/KFOR is not a neutral mediator, but
> a motive force. They plan to organise elections for a protectorate
> government on the base of the present ethnic composition, to preserve the
> expulsion of 300,000 non-Albanians and the settlement of an unknown number
> of Albanians from the North of Albania.
> Yugoslavia is the only multi-national state of the Balkans
> The war triggered by the UÇK with the support of the west and transformed by
> NATO into a war against the whole of Yugoslavia, claimed a total of 2,108
> victims counted on both sides. But just a year of NATO protectorate already
> claimed the lives of more than one thousand non-Albanians! In spite of
> ardent ethnic conflicts there had not been expulsions and “ethnical
> cleansing” under Yugoslav rule in Kosovo. Even when UÇK fuelled the spiral
> of violence with their terrorist attacks since 1997, there were hardly any
> refugees. When the fighting subsided, most refugees returned. The “Horseshoe
> Plan” (“Potkovica Plan”) turned out to be a secret service propaganda
> forgery. Only after the NATO bombardments started, refugees started to flee
> in large numbers. Now, under the rule of UÇK and NATO, there actually is
> systematic “ethnical cleansing” that had earlier been attributed to Yugoslav
> forces. 300,000 non-Albanians have been expelled and the few that remained
> are constantly threatened, and KFOR refuses to protect them seriously.
> In spite of the disintegrating tendencies and internal tensions, Yugoslavia
> still is a multi-ethnic state and as such is the only possible form of
> peaceful co-existence of the ethnically mixed peoples of the Balkans. It was
> the West that used the “right of ethnical-territorial self-determination” as
> a crowbar against Yugoslavia. That necessarily lead to a civil war. The Serb
> people was and is the heart of Yugoslavia and had relinquished its ethnical
> interests in favour of this common state. So when now the other peoples of
> Yugoslavia revoke this federation, it is only just, when Serbia also defends
> her national interests. But the decisive difference between the Serbs and
> the other peoples is, that the latter became slaves of the New World Order,
> while the Serbian people is fighting against the new NATO tyranny.
> This is why Kosovo has to remain a part of Yugoslavia, why the refugees have
> to return and why UÇK and NATO have to vanish!
> ****************************
> Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung (JÖSB)
> PF 217, A-1040 Wien, Österreich
> www.vorstadtzentrum.net/joesb
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