----- Original Message -----
From: Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
To: Communist Web <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 1:53 AM
Subject: Star Wars Test Draws Protests




Contact:  Bruce Gagnon (352) 337-9274

The Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space is organizing
protests to oppose the third and decisive test of the National Missile
Defense (NMD) system now set to be launched from Vandenberg AFB, CA. and
Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific Ocean between July 3-12.

Protests are planned at the following places:
* June 12 at Berlin, Germany
* June 24 at Cape Canaveral AFS, FL.
* June 24 at Leicester, UK
* June 26 at Menwith Hill, UK (U.S. spy satellite base)
* July 1 at Vandenberg AFB, CA.
* July 4 at Ft. Meade, MD. (NSA HQ)
* July 4 at Menwith Hill, UK
* July 5-7 at Penn State University (Main Entrance)
* July 7 at Peterson AFB, CO. (U.S. Space Command HQ)
* July 8 at Fylingdales, UK (U.S. spy satellite base)

The so-called "defensive" NMD system is a stalking horse for the deployment
of offensive weapons in space.  A recent Pentagon report entitled, Premises
for Policy: Maintaining Military Superiority in the 21st Century states that
"In order to neutralize - and selectively deny access to - space, DoD must
develop the means to control and destroy space assets (both in space and at
ground level.)"

One such technology now under development at Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and
TRW is the space-based laser which would give the U.S. offensive capability
in space thus completing Ronald Reagan's Star Wars vision.  The Pentagon has
stated that the space-based laser will be the "follow-on" technology to NMD
once deployment of that system is approved by the President.

According to Global Network Coordinator Bruce Gagnon, "The 'rogue states'
talk is just the latest scheme to hide the truth about the creation of a
costly and destabilizing new space weapons program that will make the
aerospace corporations rich and the U.S. Space Command the Master of Space.
It is time for the citizens of the world to say that we will not allow, nor
pay for, the weaponization of the heavens."

The Global Network is made up of over 110 affiliate groups around the world
and was founded in 1992 to prevent the nuclearization and weaponization of

Check the website of the GN at:  http://www.globenet.free-online.co.uk

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