----- Original Message -----
From: heikki sipilä <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 5:09 AM
Subject: Korean Central News Agency Jun 12

TODAY'S NEWS (June.12.2000 Juche 89)


   * Kim Jong Il sends condolences to Bashar al Assad

   * Set period of mourning for Hafez al Assad

   * Kim Jong Il greets Russian President

   * Greetings to Libyan leader

   * Greetings to Russian President

   * Message of condolence to Bashar al Assad

   * Greetings to Russian Prime Minister

   * Condolences to Prime Minister of Syria

   * Minister of People's Armed Forces leaves for Syria

   * Central Fine Arts Studio

   * Construction of salterns makes headway in Korea

   * Rodong Sinmun on demise of Hafez al Assad

   * Korean people's willingness for reunification

   * Abolition of U.S. military base in Libya celebrated

   * U.S. order to start Korean War

   * Repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners called for

   * Socialist cause of Korea supported

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * kim jong il envia telegrama de condolencia a bashar al-assad de ras

   * ministro de fuerzas armadas populares y su comitiva partieron de
     pyongyang rumbo a siria

   * decision de gobierno de rpdc por fallecimiento de su excelencia hafez

   * imperialistas norteamericanos son provocadores de guerra coreana (3)


Kim Jong Il sends condolences to Bashar Al Assad

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il on Saturday
sent a message of condolence to
Bashar Al Assad of the Syrian Arab Republic on the passing away of Syrian
President Hafez Al Assad who is also
general secretary of the Arab Socialist Baath Party of Syria and
commander-in-chief of Army and Armed Forces of the
Syrian Arab Republic.
    The message said:
    "Upon hearing unexpected sad news that his excellency Hafez Al Assad
passed away, I express deep condolences
to you and, through you, to the Syrian government and people and the family
of the deceased.
    "His excellency Hafez Al Assad was an outstanding leader of the Syrian
Arab people who devoted his whole life
to the defence of the independence and sovereignty of Syria and the
achievement of its territorial integrity and a
prominent statesman who made distinguished contributions to the sacred
cause of safeguarding the dignity of the Arab
    "He was also a close friend of the Korean people, who exerted sustained
efforts for developing the friendly and
cooperative relations between the peoples of our two countries.
    "His demise is a great loss to the Syrian Arab people and other Arab
nations and the world's peace-loving people.
    "Though he passed away, his noble feats will be remembered forever by
the Syrian Arab people and humankind.
    "I express belief that the intimate Syrian Arab people will overcome
sorrow over the loss of their outstanding
leader and surely accomplish the cause of his excellency Hafez Al Assad
under the leadership of the Arab Socialist
Baath Party."

Set period of mourning for Hafez Al Assad

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- The DPRK government decided to set the
period from June 12 to 16, Juche 89
(2000) for mourning and fly flags at half-mast at the appointed places as
regards the demise of President of the Syrian
Arab Republic Hafez Al Assad, who is also General Secretary of the Arab
Socialist Baath Party and
commander-in-chief of the Syrian Army and Armed Forces.

Kim Jong Il greets Russian President

   Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il yesterday
sent a message of greetings to Vladimir
Vladimirovich Putin, President and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of
the Russian Federation, on the
occasion of its National Day.
    The message warmly congratulated the Russian President, government and
people on the National Day.
    Today the Russian people under the leadership of the President are
working hard to defend the sovereignty of
Russia and ensure the country's stability and world peace, it said, and
    The friendly relations between the DPRK and Russia have a long history
and those relations have entered a new
phase of development in conformity with the desire of the two peoples.
    It expressed conviction that the traditional relations of friendship
between the DPRK and Russia would grow in
scope and develop on the principle of complete equality, independence,
mutual respect, non-interference and
reciprocity and in the spirit of the DPRK-Russia treaty of friendship, good
neighborliness and cooperation.
    It sincerely wished the Russian President and people greater success in
their work to build a powerful Russia.

Greetings to Libyan leader

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's
Assembly, yesterday sent a message of greetings to colonel Moammer El
Gaddafi, leader of the September 1st
Revolution of the great socialist people's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, on the
occasion of the 30th anniversary of the
abolition of the U.S. military base in Libya.
    The message warmly congratulated him and, through him, Libyan
leadership and people on the 30th anniversary.
    It said:
    The complete abolition of the U.S. military base by the Libyan Arab
people is a brilliant victory in the struggle to
put an end to the U.S. interference in Libya and defend the national
dignity and sovereignty of the country.
    It wished leader Moammer El Gaddafi and the Libyan people greater
success in their work for independent
development, progress and prosperity of the country, expressing belief that
the ties of friendship, cooperation and
solidarity between the two countries would be further consolidated and

Greetings to Russian President

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's
Assembly, yesterday sent a message of greetings to Russian President
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on the occasion of
its National Day.
    The message congratulated the Russian President, government and people
on the national day.
    It expressed conviction that the traditional relations of friendship
between the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea and the Russian Federation would develop on good terms in conformity
with the spirit of the bilateral treaty of
friendship, good neighborliness and cooperation and sincerely wished the
Russian people peace and welfare.

Message of condolence to Bashar al Assad

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's
Assembly, yesterday sent a message of condolence to Bashar al Assad of
Syria on the demise of Hafez al Assad,
President of the Syrian Arab Republic.
    The message expresses deep condolences on his passing away, and notes
that it is a great loss not only to the Arab
nation, including the Syrian Arab people, but to the Korean people and the
peace-loving people of the world.
    It expresses belief that the Syrian Arab people will overcome great
sorrow and grief over the loss of Hafez al
Assad, their teacher, and surely accomplish his cause under the leadership
of the Arab Socialist Baath Party.

Greetings to Russian Prime Minister

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK
cabinet, sent a message of greetings to
Mikhail Mikhailovich Kasyanov, Prime Minister of the government of the
Russian Federation.
    The message extended warm congratulations to the Prime Minister on the
National Day.
    It expressed belief that the DPRK-Russia friendly and cooperative
relations would further expand and develop in
various fields, including the economy, in the interests of the two peoples
and wished the Prime Minister and the
government of the Russian Federation greater success in their work for the
nation's economic development and
promotion of public welfare.

Condolences to Prime Minister of Syria

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the cabinet of
the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea , sent a message of condolence to Muhammad Mustafa Mero, Prime
Minister of the Syrian Arab Republic.
    Upon hearing the unexpected sad news that Syrian President Hafez al
Assad, an outstanding leader of the Syrian
Arab people and a close friend of the Korean people, passed away, the
message expressed deep condolences to him
and through him to the government and people of Syria and the bereaved
family of the deceased in his own name and
in the name of the DPRK government.
    Although Hafez al Assad passed away, the lofty exploits left by him for
the country and the people will remain for
    Convinced that the friendly Syrian Arab people will overcome the sorrow
over the loss of their outstanding leader
and surely accomplish his cause under the leadership of the Arab Socialist
Baath Party, the message expressed deep
condolences again to the government of Syria and the bereaved family of the

Minister of People's Armed Forces leaves for Syria

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- Vice marshal of the Korean People's Army
Kim Il Chol, Minister of the People's
Armed Forces, and his party left here today for Syria to attend the funeral
of President of the Syrian Arab republic
Hafez al Assad who is also general secretary of the Arab Socialist Baath
Party and commander-in-chief of the Syrian
Army and Armed Forces.
    They were seen off at the airport by vice-Minister of the People's
Armed Forces Ryo Chun Sok, vice-Minister of
Foreign Affairs Pak Tong Chun and other officials concerned.

Central Fine Arts Studio

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- Many art works are now being created at
the Central Fine Arts Studio.
    According to its vice-director Kim Pyong Nam, the studio has created at
least 130 art works of various kinds from
the outset of the year to greatly encourage people from all walks of life
in the drive to build a powerful nation.
    Among them are oeuvres highly appreciated at a series of national art
exhibitions such as Korean painting
"Rhododendron," oil painting "Mangyongdae at Moonlight Night" and
embroideries "Kimilsungia" and "Kimjongilia."
    Also among the successful works are scores of handicrafts, including
celadon "Pterophyllum Eimekei Inlaid
Flower Vase" and "Chrysanthemum Inlaid Flower Vase" and wooden handicrafts
"Bear" and "Fox."
    Artists of the studio are now busy creating oeuvres on the themes of
Kaechon-Lake Thaesong waterway project
and national reunification.
    The Central Fine Arts Studio was founded in Juche 75 (1986) and is
situated in Thongil Street, Pyongyang, the
capital city of the DPRK.
    The studio plays a big role in producing art works listed as national
treasures as it has various creating groups
including those producing Korean painting, oil painting, celadon,
embroidery and handicrafts. Thousands of pieces of
art works have been produced by the studio since its foundation.
    Many art works of the studio were well received at art exhibitions held
in southeast Asian countries.

Construction of salterns makes headway in Korea

   Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- A large saltern is now under construction
in Odaejin area on the east coast of
North Hamgyong Province on the northern tip of Korea.
    There was no saltern in this area in the past owing to the little
difference between high and low tides and
unfavorable geographical conditions. The wish of the Korean people to
produce salt on the east coast came true after
the construction of modern large Kwangmyongsong saltern last year.
    Kwangmyongsong saltern is now profusely paying off and registering
signal successes.
    The saltern project in Odaejin is part of the nation's drive to solve
the salt problem.
    The saltern took full shape in a matter of several months after its
ground-breaking ceremony thanks to high
enthusiasm of the builders though they were hard pressed for everything.
    They have built a water system extending more than 10,000 metres and
over 12,000 metres of drains and many
    The work of leveling salt-fields and covering them with clay is
progressing at its final stage. The project of digging
waterways and the construction of water-pump stations and auxiliary
establishments are being pushed forward
    The landscape of Odaejin is getting more beautiful with the appearance
of terraced salt-fields in the hillock area.
    The builders are hastening their work to complete the main project
earlier than scheduled in order to greet the 55th
anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea with great labour achievements.

Rodong Sinmun on demise of Hafez al Assad

   Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today editorially mourns the
passing away of President of the
Syrian Arab Republic Hafez al Assad who is also general secretary of the
Arab Socialist Baath Party and
commander-in-chief of the Syrian Army and Armed Forces.
    Noting his demise is a big loss to the Syrian Arab people and other
Arab nations and the progressive peoples of the
world, the editorial goes on:
    Hafez al Assad devoted his whole life to the struggle for the
independence, sovereignty, progress and prosperity
of the country as a loyal son of the Syrian Arab people.
    Many years ago, he met the great leader Kim Il Sung during his visit to
the DPRK to establish intimate relations
with him. He always supported the Korean people's just cause.
    The Korean people always remember the strong sense of obligation and
friendly feelings of Hafez al Assad and the
Syrian Arab people.
    The Korean people are convinced that the friendly and cooperative
relations forged between the two peoples
through the joint struggle for independence against imperialism will grow
stronger and develop in all fields in the
future, too, as in the past.
    Though Hafez al Assad passed away, his noble exploits will always be
remembered by the Syrian Arab people and
the world progressives.
    It is the belief of the Korean people that in the future, too, the
Syrian Arab people will continue to advance along
the path chosen by them.

Korean people's willingness for reunification

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- National reunification is the supreme
desire of the Korean people that brooks no
further delay and the noblest revolutionary will of the Korean communists.
    Rodong Sinmun today says this in a political essay.
    The Korean people, a homogeneous nation, remains the only one nation on
the earth that suffers from the division
of national territory and the tragic division of the nation should be
terminated without fail, the political essay says, and
goes on:
    All the proposals, including the three principles of national
reunification, laid down by the Worker's Party of
Korea for the country's reunification ever since Korea's liberation from
the Japanese colonial rule fully reflect the will
of all the fellow countrymen in the north and south of Korea and abroad for
reunification. They are most reasonable
and patriotic reunification proposals to rejoin the severed blood ties of
the nation, preventing the moves of separatists at
home and abroad and transcending the differences in ideology, ideal and system.
    The President Kim Il Sung said the greatest gift that he could give to
the Korean nation was national reunification.
He devoted his whole life to the patriotic cause of the country's
independence and reunification. He died at his post,
examining a document on national reunification at the last moments of his life.
    The great leader Kim Jong Il is the lodestar of reunification who is
confidently leading the cause of national
reunification, true to the President's behest.
    The three principles of national reunification--independence, peaceful
reunification and great national unity--and
the proposal for founding the Democratic Confederal Republic of Koryo are
the most reasonable and patriotic
reunification principle and proposal set forth by the President and held
fast to by Kim Jong Il. The DPRK will surely
achieve the historic cause of national reunification by putting them into
practice at any cost.
    Independence is precisely Kim Jong Il's political philosophy,
philosophy for reunification. Great national unity
constitutes his warm love for the country and nation and the noblest will
for reunification.
    His benevolent politics, all-embracing politics and army-first politics
are politics of love for man and the nation and
politics for national reunification.
    Optimistic is the prospect of national reunification thanks to the
guidance of Kim Jong Il, lodestar of independent
reunification and peaceful reunification and center of great national unity.

Abolition of U.S. military base in Libya celebrated

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- Papers here yesterday dedicated signed
articles to the 30th anniversary of
abolition of the U.S. military base in Libya.
    The Libyan Arab people abolished the U.S. military base and thus showed
that strength of the people who value
the national dignity and the sovereignty of the country is powerful, Rodong
Sinmun said, and continued:
    The imperialists, regarding Libya that advances along the road of
independence as a thorn in their flesh, have
persistently pursued the policy of pressure, interference, isolation and
blockade against Libya, but they have failed to
break the will of the Libyan Arab people.
    With the conviction of the justness of their cause the Libyan Arab
people under the leadership of colonel Moammer
El Gaddafi, leader of the great September 1st Revolution, have smashed the
anti-Libya moves of the imperialists,
accelerated the building of a new society and defended the national dignity
and the sovereignty of the country.
    The Korean people support the Libyan Arab people in their just cause of
defending the sovereignty of their country
and promoting the building of a new society.
    Minju Joson noted that the struggle of the Libyan people to build a new
independent and prosperous society under
the uplifted banner of independence against imperialism will surely be
crowned with resounding victory.

U.S. order to start Korean War

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- The U.S. gave an order to the "ROK Army"
to start the war after its final
examination of war preparations.
    On June 17, Juche 39 (1950) the then U.S. President Truman sent Dulles
as his special envoy to South Korea to
examine the anti-north war scenario and give an order to start the attack.
    On June 18 Dulles inspected the 38th parallel and the war preparations
of the "ROK Army" units. That day he told
Syngman Rhee to start the attack on North Korea with the counter-propaganda
that North Korea first 'invaded' the
    On the next day, he appeared at the South Korean "National Assembly" to
egg the South Korean authorities on to a
war, saying that the U.S. was ready to offer all the mental and material
aid to South Korea in its fight against
    In the June 20 letter to Syngman Rhee he stressed that the role for the
"ROK" to play was to invent a pretext for a
    The "ROK Army" chief of general staff, upon receiving an order to
invade the north from the U.S., on June 21
issued order no. 29 as regards the date of invasion to the first and second
combat commands under his control.
    On June 24 officers were confined to the barracks and an order was
issued to them to stand by. That night a secret
order was issued to break through the 38th parallel on the early morning of
June 25 and start military actions against
North Korea.
    The U.S. order to provoke the war was directly given to Syngman Rhee
under a carefully arranged plan.

Repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners called for

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Promotion Committee For
Repatriation of the Unconverted
Long-Term Prisoners reportedly called a press conference on June 9 and
reiterated demand for immediate repatriation
of the unconverted long-term prisoners, who call for their repatriation to
the North Korea.
    Most of the unconverted long-term prisoners who call for their
repatriation are persons of over 70 years, including
those of over 90 years.
    Asserting that the repatriation of the unconverted long-term prisoners,
who remain the symbol of division, would
be a measure helpful to the atmosphere for national reconciliation and
unity under the situation in which the historic
south-north summit is to be held, the committee urged the authorities not
to delay their repatriation any longer.
    Priest Hong Kun Su, co-representative of the Council For the National
Reconciliation and Independent
Reunification, said that the unconverted long-term prisoners should be
repatriated to the north as they demanded and
that there should be neither political pretext nor strings as regards this

Socialist cause of Korea supported

    Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- H.S. Surjeet, general secretary of the
central committee of the Communist Party
of India (Marxist), and A. Bardhan, general secretary of the National
Council of the Communist Party of India,
separately met the DPRK ambassador to India on June 5 and 6.
    On the occasion they said that the historic China visit of the great
leader Kim Jong Il was a significant event which
instilled the conviction of the victory into the socialist movement of the
    Supporting the Korean people in their cause of building a powerful
socialist nation, they expressed conviction that
the north-south summit will make a contribution to the reunification cause
of the Korean nation.
    They reaffirmed their support to the worker's party and people of Korea
in the struggle for the socialist cause.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il envia telegrama de condolencia a bashar al-assad de ras

    pyongyang, 12 de junio (atcc) -- el camarada kim jong il, secretario
general del partido del trabajo de corea,
presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la republica popular
democratica de corea y comandante supremo del
ejercito popular de corea envio el dia 10 a bashar al-assad de la republica
arabe de siria un telegrama expresando
condolencia por el fallecimiento de su excelencia hafez al-assad,
secretario general del partido socialista de
resurgimiento arabe, presidente de la ras y comandante en jefe del ejercito
y las fuerzas armadas.
    el telegrama senala:
    enterado de la inesperada y triste noticia del fallecimiento de su
excelencia hafez al-assad expreso profundo pesame
a usted y por su conducto al gobierno y el pueblo de siria y a los
familiares del difunto.
    su excelencia hafez al-assad fue destacado dirigente del pueblo arabe
de siria quien dedico toda su vida a defender
la independencia y soberania de siria y lograr la integridad territorial y
renombrado activista politico quien hizo una
contribucion sobresaliente a la sagrada causa por defender la dignidad de
la nacion arabe.
    su excelencia hafez al-assad fue el intimo amigo del pueblo coreano que
hizo incesantes esfuerzos por desarrollar
las relaciones de amistad y cooperacion entre ambos pueblos.
    el fallecimiento de su excelencia constituye una gran perdida para el
pueblo arabe de siria, toda la nacion arabe y
los pueblos del mundo amantes de la paz.
    aunque su excelencia fallecio sus valiosas hazanas seran guardadas
eternamente en el corazon del pueblo arabe de
siria y la humanidad.
    aprovecho esta oportunidad para expresar la conviccion de que el
amistoso pueblo arabe de siria superara la tristeza
que siente al perder su destacado dirigente y realizara ciertamente la
causa de su excelencia hafez al-assad bajo la
direccion del partido socialista de resurgimiento arabe.

ministro de fuerzas armadas populares y su comitiva partieron de pyongyang rumbo
a siria

    pyongyang, 12 de junio (atcc) -- el vicemariscal del ejercito popular
de corea kim il chol, ministro de las fuerzas
armadas populares y su comitiva partieron hoy de esta capital rumbo a siria
para participar en los funerales de hafez
al-assad, secretario general del partido socialista de resurgimiento arabe,
presidente de la republica arabe de siria y
comandante en jefe del ejercito y las fuerzas armadas.
    en el aeropuerto fueron despedidos por ryo chun sok, viceministro de
las fuerzas armadas populares, pak tong
chun, viceministro de rr.ee. y otros funcionarios.

decision de gobierno de rpdc por fallecimiento de su excelencia hafez al-assad

    pyongyang, 12 de junio (atcc) -- con motivo del fallecimiento de su
excelencia hafez al-assad, secretario general
del partido socialista del resurgimiento arabe, presidente de la ras, y
comandante en jefe del ejercito y las fuerzas
armadas de la republica arabe de siria, el gobierno de la republica popular
democratica de corea decidio definir del 12 al
16 de junio del 89 (2000) de la era juche como periodo de duelo e izar a
media asta la bandera en los lugares
determinados durante ese periodo.

imperialistas norteamericanos son provocadores de guerra coreana (3)

    pyongyang, 12 de junio (atcc) -- ee.uu. verifico definitivamente el
estado de preparacion de guerra del "ejercito
nacional" del sur de corea y le dio la orden de iniciar la guerra.
    el expresidente norteamericano turman envio el 17 de junio del ano 39
(1950) de la era juche dulles en calidad de
enviado especial a surcorea a fin de revisar el plan de provocacion de
guerra de agresion al norte de corea y dar la orden
de iniciar el ataque.
    el 18 de junio dulles inspecciono el paralelo 38 y reviso el estado de
preparacion de las unidades del "ejercito
nacional" para la guerra. ese dia, dio a syngman rhee la orden de "iniciar
el ataque contra norcorea con la demagogia de
que esta era la primera en invadir".
    el dia siguiente se presento en la "asamblea nacional" e incito a las
autoridades surcoreanas diciendo que ee.uu.
estaba dispuesto a ofrecer toda la ayuda espiritual y material a sudcorea
en la lucha contra el comunismo.
    envio el 20 de junio a syngman rhee una carta en la cual subrayo que el
papel de surcorea es procurar un pretexto
para provocar la guerra.
    el jefe de estado mayor general del "ejercito nacional" luego de
recibir de ee.uu. la orden de agresion al norte emitio
la orden no. 29 con fecha 21 de junio indicando el dia del inicio de ataque
a las comandancias de combate no. 1 y no.
    por eso, el 24 del mismo mes se prohibio la salida de los oficiales y
se los mantuvo en estado de espera. por la
noche del dia 24 se dio la orden secreta de iniciar los actos militares
contra el norte de corea atravesando el paralelo 38 a
la madrugada del dia 25.
    asi ee.uu. a base de sus preparativos minuciosos dio directamente a
syngman rhee la orden de iniciar la guerra


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