>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
>   Address by Sinn Fein Vice President and Assembly member for 
>   West Tyrone Pat Doherty at the  annual Wolfe Tone Commemoration 
>   in Bodenstown yesterday (Sunday).
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  Ta failte romhaibh a chairde agus a chomradaithe, failte go Baile
>  Buadan. We gather here today, as we do every year, to remember
>  and honour Theobald Wolfe Tone, the founding father of Irish
>  republicanism.
>  This is one of the few republican gatherings which instil a sense
>  of reflection in us.  Gathered here, standing before the memory
>  of Wolfe Tone, we are compelled to examine and reaffirm our
>  actions, of what we are about and where we stand.
>  In this, the first Wolfe Tone commemoration of the 21st Century,
>  it is fitting that we not only look at where we stand today but
>  look to the future, to where we are going.
>  I would like to begin by paying tribute to two men who died
>  during the past week - Terence 'Cleeky' Clarke of Belfast and
>  Matt Merrigan of Dublin.
>  Thousands of republicans from across Ireland and beyond gathered
>  in Belfast on Friday to bury one of our finest and most dedicated
>  comrades.  'Cleeky' Clarke was known and loved by republicans
>  across this island.  He spent more than 21 years in prison but he
>  never deviated from the republican cause.  Cleeky's personal
>  courage in his long battle against cancer was a mark of his deep
>  inner strength and a source of great inspiration to us all.
>  To Cleeky's family, and especially his wife Mary and children
>  Seamus and Marie, I want to extend the heartfelt condolences of
>  republicans everywhere.
>  The past week also saw the passing of another republican and
>  labour activist with the death at a union conference in Dublin of
>  Matt Merrigan. A life-long trade unionist, Mattie was a tireless
>  campaigner for civil rights and social justice throughout Ireland
>  and the world.  His strong advocacy of national sovereignty as an
>  intrinsic part of republican and labour ideology and his work on
>  behalf of those marginalised in our society will never be
>  forgotten.
>  To his daughter Olga and son Matt, and his friends and comrades,
>  we offer our condolences.
>  The past year has been one of enormous change, both in terms of
>  the peace process and in terms of the development of Sinn Fein as
>  a real force in Irish politics.   We saw Cathal Crumley become
>  Sinn Fein mayor of Derry. while Alex Maskey narrowly miss out on
>  this post in Belfast. In Sligo, Sean MacManus holds the post of
>  deputy mayor. Councillor Brian McKenna will take the chair of
>  Monaghan County Council next month, the first Sinn Fein
>  chairperson of that Council in a hundred years of local
>  government.
>  Sinn Fein has had a number of significant electoral successes at
>  council level in the Six Counties - in Omagh, Erne West and
>  Toome.  And where we have not won we have seen significant
>  increases in our vote.  We have much to be proud of, but with the
>  possibility of three electoral contests over the next 12 months
>  we have a lot of work to do.
>  With your ongoing commitment we will see an increase in Sinn
>  Fein's representation in Leinster House and we will increase on
>  our success in the Westminster elections.
>  Since we last assembled here 12 months ago, there have been many
>  highs and lows in the peace process.  After 18 months of unionist
>  stalling and bad faith we finally saw the establishment of the
>  political institutions, including the all-Ireland bodies.  But as
>  you all know, after less than three months, at the behest of
>  unionism, Peter Mandelson made a terrible miscalculation and
>  collapsed the institutions.
>  However. we did not let our disappointment and anger at the
>  British Government's actions in February deflect us from our
>  task.  We again re-focused and worked tirelessly to ensure that
>  those rejectionists buoyed up by the collapse of the political
>  institutions would not succeed in their stated aims of
>  undermining and scuppering entirely the whole Good Friday
>  Agreement and the potential of change contained within it.
>  During the negotiations leading up to the Good Friday Agreement,
>  and the subsequent rounds of talks which took place at
>  Hillsborough Castle, we fought tooth and nail over issues such as
>  equality,  emblems and symbols, policing and all-Ireland bodies.
>  Looking to the future we will continue to move forward with our
>  republican agenda.  The battle for republicans has not ended with
>  the re-establishment of the political institutions.  We want to
>  see Northern representation in Leinster House as soon as
>  possible.   We want to see the British Government remove all of
>  its forces from our country and we look forward to the day when
>  all of the guns are taken out of the politics of our island.
>  I realise that there have been some steps taken by the republican
>  leadership in the past year which may not rest well with some of
>  you.  This is understandable.
>  As we have often said, we believe that we have stretched the
>  republican community to its limits.  But the steps which we have
>  taken were necessary in order to bring about real change, and
>  change suits us - we should not fear it, we are the party of
>  change.  The only groups which have to fear change are the
>  conservative and reactionary elements who wish to see the status
>  quo upheld on  this island.
>  We have seen this fear of change swell among the ranks of
>  unionism.  This manifested itself in not only the ranks of the
>  'NO' unionists but also among some of those in the 'YES' camp who
>  continue to throw obstacles in the way of progress.
>  We have seen the decommissioning argument come and go at various
>  phases only to be replaced with the demand for the RUC name to be
>  kept when the issue of policing was beginning to be addressed. We
>  know that there are those within unionism who will continue to
>  throw up such barriers in order to halt the tide of change.
>  There are those among the unionist 'YES' camp who are opposed to
>  change - who saw and, indeed continue to see, the Good Friday
>  Agreement and the Six-County Assembly as a way of taming
>  republicans, a way of 'house-training' us.   I can assure you -
>  and them - that this is not going to happen.   We know where we
>  stand, we are confident of our analysis and our aims.   We are
>  there to make change happen, to revolutionise society.
>  The unionist opposition to change has its roots in one of the
>  major blights on our society - sectarianism.  Sectarianism is the
>  antithesis of everything Tone stood for.   He worked to unite
>  Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter; the British Government and
>  their agents in Ireland worked to divide them.   It is from Tone
>  that we take our lead and try to unite and respect all cultures
>  and creeds.
>  The sectarianism which was used to attack the United Irishmen is
>  the same sectarianism which has laid siege to the people of the
>  Garvaghy Road for over 700 days.   This siege continues with
>  ever-increasing threats of violence coming from the leaders of
>  the Orange Order.   It is the same sectarianism which
>  triumphantly tramples over the rights of the nationalist people
>  in areas such as the Lower Ormeau Road and the Springfield Road. 
>  It is the same sectarianism which we witnessed in Lurgan
>  yesterday when the Parades Commission allowed an Orange Parade to
>  march through a nationalist area.
>  The days of the Ulster Unionists' one-party Orange state are
>  over.  But the unionists have taken heart from the lack of
>  backbone shown by the British Government, by their repeated
>  failure to stand up to the unionists.  And the British
>  Government's lack of resolve in implementing the Agreement - an
>  Agreement which the vast majority of the people on this island
>  voted for - casts a shadow over the whole process.
>  When the people of Ireland are looking forward to a new
>  beginning, some unionists are looking back to the days when they
>  ruled unchallenged and they would like to keep it like that, and
>  the British Government tries to look the other way.
>  The days of the British Government allowing the unionists to
>  lurch us all from one crisis to another must end.
>  Republicans should be under no illusions.  There are elements
>  within the British Establishment who are trying to do politically
>  what they could not do militarily - defeat the IRA.   In the
>  back-rooms there are still those securocrats who want to see us
>  'house-trained' to their standards.
>  Yes, we have seen some demilitarisation in the Six Counties and
>  we welcome this But only as a useful first step.  Such moves are
>  long overdue under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement and,
>  indeed were minuscule when we look at the size of the British
>  military presence in Ireland. In South Armagh in particular, the
>  community still has no respite from British military occupation.
>  The British Government is continually stalling the process by
>  refusing to implement the Patten report in full.   And remember,
>  the Patten Report is not a report that republicans could endorse
>  in the first place.  For nationalists and republicans policing is
>  a touchstone issue and an acid test of the peace process and of
>  the British governments commitment to the Good Friday Agreement.
>  However at the last count there were over 75 deviations from
>  Patten in the Police Bill and yet the SDLP voted for this.   I
>  want to say clearly today that the Policing Bill is not
>  acceptable and we cannot and will not advocate membership of or
>  support for the police force envisaged in such legislation.. The
>  new beginning that we want does not include a repackaged RUC.  We
>  are working and campaigning for real and radical change.  We have
>  only one chance to get this right.  We are interested in creating
>  the sort of policing service which can enjoy real support from
>  within the nationalist and republican community.
>  But Patten is only the first stage in this process.  Other areas
>  not dealt with by Patten need to be addressed.  We must see an
>  end to repressive legislation, an end to the use of plastic
>  bullets and a complete overhaul of the criminal justice system. 
>  That is the context in which republicans will feel able to join
>  any new police service.
>  The political juncture at which we stand now is not ideal.   We
>  have made it clear, time and time again, that the Good Friday
>  Agreement was not a republican document.   But it does offer an
>  opportunity for change.   It is not an end in itself.   It will
>  not create change.   Only republicans can provide the dynamic for
>  change.  If it is left to any of the other parties, change will
>  not happen.  History tells us this.  It will be Sinn Fein which
>  will drive the process of change on this island, on the streets,
>  in our communities and in elected office.
>  It will be Sinn Fein who will lead the way towards our ultimate
>  goal of unity and independence.
>  Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the 1981 hunger strike.  
>  1981 marked a watershed in modern republicanism.   Bobby Sands
>  led the way for republicans re-engaging in electoral politics. 
>  Today we are the fastest-growing party in Ireland.   We stand
>  with 18 Assembly members, two MPs and one TD.   I am confident
>  that this number is set to grow.
>  And we will use our increased political strength to advance our
>  policies as a republican and labour party.  We will continue to
>  campaign for social justice and to ensure that the wealth that is
>  being created in our society is used for the benefit of all.  We
>  will work to stamp out corruption in public life.  We will work
>  to make communities the length and breath of this island an
>  integral part of this process.  We will work to bring about the
>  type of change which people want - a society based on equality
>  and justice.
>  We all know that the so-called Celtic Tiger economy, like so many
>  economic booms both here and abroad, has seen some get rich at
>  the expense of others.
>  There is wealth in this state - but alongside it we see young
>  families unable to find a home, we see a crisis in the health
>  service, we see the ongoing depopulation of rural Ireland aided
>  and abetted by the ongoing withdrawal of essential local
>  services.
>  We have seen a rise in racism and racist attacks on this island. 
>  But it is important to point out that racism does not grow by
>  accident.  Everywhere it has taken hold it is because
>  unscrupulous people in politics and other spheres of society have
>  nurtured it for their own cynical interests.  It is up to
>  political leaders to make it crystal clear that they will not
>  play party politics with the race issue, and that they will not
>  tolerate racism in any form in their party.  Racism and
>  sectarianism are two sides of the same coin.  Let me say it
>  clearly  here today - there is no place for racism or
>  sectarianism in our new Ireland. We have also seen the many
>  abuses of the planning processes.   The almost daily revelations 
>  at the Flood Tribunal and the Moriarty Tribunal prove what we
>  have been saying for years.   That is that politics in this state
>  have been subverted by a  cosy cartel  - a golden circle - of
>  establishment parties and big business.   We stand by our call
>  that those found guilty of corruption be compelled to leave
>  public office and not just their parties.
>  There is a possibility of three elections on this island over the
>  next 12 months.  But now the Irish people have a real choice. 
>  With our advances across the 32 Counties, Sinn Fein is starting
>  to live up to the potential we knew existed.
>  The tired and worn-out parties of the Establishment, North and
>  South, are now looking over their shoulders at Sinn Fein.
>  They are talking about Sinn Fein making major gains. Well that is
>  a matter for the electorate. The one thing we can be sure of now
>  is that Caoimhghin O Caolain won't be the only Sinn Fein TD
>  walking through the gates of Leinster House after the next
>  election and that Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams will not be
>  the only Sinn Fein MPs after the Westminster elections. And given
>  our recent by-election successes in the Six Counties we expect to
>  make major gains at local council level.
>  How many elected representatives we have is up to you.
>  We are relying on you and all your friends and family who are not
>  here today to make sure you are registered, make sure that you
>  all get out and vote and work in support of your Sinn Fein
>  candidates, that you help continue the great work republican
>  activists are already doing in our communities.
>  I long for the day when the Republic envisaged by Tone and
>  declared by Pearse and Connolly becomes a reality.   This dream
>  will not become a reality on its own.   It can only become a
>  reality if everybody here makes it so.   So as we remember the
>  founding father of Irish republicanism I also ask that we look
>  forward to the 20th anniversary of the 1981 hunger strike.   How
>  can we best honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the
>  Irish republican cause?
>  This is a question which each and every one of us must ask
>  ourselves.   I believe that the best way to pay tribute to these
>  people is to make their dream become a reality.   We must create
>  the Republic that they desired, the Republic that they died for.
>  The IRA cessation opened up the possibility of new avenues of
>  struggle. It is up to us to redouble our efforts and make the
>  most of the opportunities which present themselves.
>  Wolfe Tone was a man of action.  It will be through our own
>  actions - whether by organising in our communities streets, towns
>  and villages; challenging corruption, protesting, canvassing for
>  elections or working as a full-time activist - we will make Wolfe
>  Tone's dream become a reality.
>  The struggle is far from over and there is a place for everyone
>  in it, be they Protestant, Catholic or Dissenter.
>  Beir bua, ta ar la ag teacht.
> _______________________________________________________

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