----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 3:17 PM
Subject: [STOPNATO] Viewing Iraq from the N.Y. / MASS border


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I've reached the New York Massachusetts border on my bicycle tour to end the 
sanctions on Iraq.  What follows is an account of politics on the road, 
jumproap snakes and post office parcels.

Since June 10, I've been traveling from Cleveland Ohio to Boston 
Massachusetts.  Apart from a spoke that broke and shot into my leg, injuries 
have been minimal.  I can handle bars and cycle paths, but I don't deal well 
with cars and pyschopaths.  Been run off the road only once, and otherwise 
make like a loaded camel in my stubborn owenership of a small but 
life-saving portion of shoulder-less roads.

I improved upon the factsheets I was handing out about the devestating 
impact of economic sanction on the people of Iraq.  It gives me 
unparralleled confidence to approach people when i have a brochure that is 
in my voice.  I have also riden incognito and adorned with signs.  Truckers 
always flag me down if we leapfrog, and the conversations are an expose on 
American patriotism and working class identity.

Take Frank.  Tenth grade education, proud teamster, quick to call me a 
communist.  But we jive on the problems facing truckers, and he agrees with 
me that arms dealers fuel war across the globe.  But "Saddam's a threat, and 
Iraqi's gotta learn that they're fucked as long as he's in power."

In Syracuse an energetic group of students are planning for anti-sweatshop 
and living wage work next semester, and as I talk to them about Iraq, 
concerns arise about how it may be too late for the people, and that 
anti-American sentiment is now destined to produce many Saddams (Milosevics, 
Hitlers, Ortegas...).  I can't imagine a people ever stumbing into democracy 
or overthrowing a dictator without the instruments of civil society.  
Sanctions don't just deny medicines and technology, but have left southern 
and central Iraq with but 10 nonprofit groups.

Richard, manager of the "Mother Earth Cafe" in Albany remarks that I receive 
offerings of hospitality precisely because I don't expect it. There is 
naivety in my travels, to be sure, but I've learned from a kind Indian woman 
who loaded me with free oranges and pakoras to the Catholic Shrine that 
granted me solace in a thunderstorm that investing in the process of 
traveling rather than focus on the destination brings blessings everyday.  
And in this I realize is a fundamental to organizing:  the means are the 

But the fear of being public is a mountain higher that the berkshires which 
loom around me.  Making the act of travel an act of community means 
unlearning silence and fear of people.  I am passing out brochures by the 
hundreds, to kids on skateboards, quarry workers and gas station attendants. 
  But each opportunity is a hurdle.  Communicating with America is like 
selling lemonade on the highway.

I have to go, but have a favor to ask.  This week dozens of people were 
lobbying in DC for the "Humanitarian Exports Leading to Peace" bill, which 
would allow the US to export food and medicine to Iraq.  Encourage Rep David 
Price to support it at 202 543-6176.  Or try what I've done in many post 
offices along the way - pack a parcel with aspirin, bandaids, toys and 
pencils to mail to the Iraqi Red Crescent.   Its illegal, and the Post 
Office won't let you.  In Albany I was on TV for the symbolic action.  Every 
display of solidarity with the people there is an act of rebellion.  And if 
you are so moved, come to DC on August 5, 6 or 7 to demonstrate on the 
anniversary of the sanctions and the bombing of Hiroshema.  Its time to 
raise all our voices!

Peace from the Road
Andrew Pearson

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