At 11:05 PM 7/3/00 -0300, you wrote:
>>Roman Empire? Or do you have to have lived under 
>>Hitler to critize the killing of  about 6 million Jews?
>Do you think the Jews (or the Kulaks, for that matter) should have had the
>right to decide what happened to them?

This is a ridiculous analogy.  The circumstances of the Jews in Germany was
one of deliberate genocide.  The kulaks attacked the revolution, and the
stories that compare their fate to that of European Jewry were concoted by
Ukranian fasicists and recirculated by their English and American fascist

>I do. I doubt seriously that they would have chosen the fates visited on

The kulaks did chose it.

>Do you think the people of Vieques should have the right to decide what is
>best for them?
>I do.

What is your experience with Vieques?  Please explain.  I've been there
twice.  Not that one has to have been there to legitimize a political
position with regard to neo-colonialism.  But you seem to put a high
premium on having been there.  So what is this special insight you have?

"If insurrection is an art, its main content is to know how to give the
struggle the form appropriate to the political situation."

                        -Vo Nguyen Giap

"Rather than seeking comparabilities in statistical terms among what are
all too often superficial features of different situations, comparabilities
must be sought at the level of determinate mechanisms, at the level of
processes that are generally hidden from easy view."

                        -Eleanor Burke Leacock

"Every day one has to struggle that this love to a living humanity
transform itself into concrete acts, in acts that serve as examples, as

                        -Ernesto "Che" Guevara

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