Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong
Il received a letter from the central committee of the
National Democratic Front of South Korea on
July 8 on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of the
passing away of the President Kim Il Sung. 
    The last six years from the day of bitter grief
when the nation suffered the greatest loss in its
history to this day have been days during which all
the people have
more keenly realized the President was a peerlessly
great man and a glorious history which unfolded the
great reality that he is immortal with the era as the
sun of
Juche, the letter said. 
    It said 80 odd year-long history of the President
was the noblest and brilliant life of a gifted thinker
and theoretician, an outstanding statesman, an
invincible and
iron-willed commander and a great man whom the nation
and humankind acclaimed for the first time and held in
high esteem. 
    It recalled that he, considering the reunification
of the country as the supreme task of the nation,
unrolled a great program for national reunification,
adhered to the line of national independence, and
wisely led the work for the great national unity and
the cause of national reunification until the last
moments of his
life, opening a new phase of reunification. 
    Kim Jong Il, steering the cause of Juche together
with the President for scores of years, has
brilliantly adorned a glorious revolutionary history
as the most
outstanding man in the contemporary political history
over the last six years, adding shine to the
President's idea and cause single-handedly, the letter
noted, and
    The revolutionary history of the President
continues as Kim Jong Il's history of building a
powerful nation and the President is immortal thanks
to Kim Jong Il who
performed immortal exploits, defending and exalting
the idea and cause of the President with his noble
sense of obligation and outstanding political ability.

    The letter expressed the determination to lift
higher the banner of national independence and bring
the popular masses' elated enthusiasm reunification
into full
display like an active volcano and thus carry out the
President's last instructions for reunification
without fail. 

>From KCNA -

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